New Camera....couple pics


New member
Full tank shot as of yesterday
New frag...don't know why photobucket "insists" on resizing this one??

These T5 HO actinics+ are pretty blue but really make some corals "pop"..

Alright, till I figure why photobucket is resizing these, that's it.... :rolleyes:
Looks great Sam!! Keep the pics coming. By the way, I'm just about ready to drill. If the meeting wasn't tomorrow I'd probably be doing it. I got all the bits I need in this week. Time to start sweatin'!! Also, my sump is all done. Eventually I'll start a new thread but I'm sooo slow.
Photobucket seems to be cooperating for now :cool:

I've got a pic of the brain waging war on the digitata too....

Good luck with the drilling Dan, when I did the 10g I was sweating that and it was only $10 ! :rolleyes:
Bubble coral from Pelagic Magic...just moved it lower in the tank and it's starting to open more :)
New frag....not sure on the ID ?? type of monti ?

Zoos under actinics.....I let the sump get low and microbubbles were everywhere (time for a top off system!)

Hope to be posting some growth sequences in the future.....the orange monti digi has already shown good growth... Thanks for looking!!
These were with a Kodak Z700....Decent camera, not great by any means but I needed an inexpensive camera to take to Puerto Rico on monday.... 4.0mp 5x optical zoom w/ a 1gb SD, so I should have some decent pics of the island :)

Thanks for the link Joseph, I'll have to see how it grows in because it looks like it was struggling for light with it's thin growth and brownish colors. It does slightly glow blue w/ bluish polyps.

Those zoos are my favorite in the tank w/ the two morphs together !! I've got several different areas with them growing so will be doing some fragging and will post when I do.
Elkhorn looks like the right ID after looking at a ton of pictures.....Sounds like it grows easily, I'm looking forward to seeing if it colors up some more. The tips and polyps are more blue in person. Thanks for the ID guys !
Thanks Benni- I was on vacation last week, and it's changing colors on me.....It's more of an Ice Blue look through all the tips now, I hope it grows as fast as the digitatas.
I personally have seen the most dramatic growth in elongata out of all montiporas I have seen, even cap. Just ask Troy at Atlantis how fast the stuff grows, simply amazing. He had a colony go from one small no branch frag to a softball + size colony in under 1 year. Also in that year he moved the tank twice and the stuff was still a weed. I even grew it in that 10 gal nano at the old Atlantis under PC's and it still had to be trimmed regularly.