new coral pics


Premium Member
Brought home a few pieces from the shipment at Reef's Edge this week.

(possibly a humilis?) Bright yellow body and polyps with pink growth tips. Cute little acro crab, eh?

I'm always a sucker for contrasting colors. Love the blue polyps on this one. Just waiting for it to get comfortable and open up. The picture doesn't show it well, but the growth tips are yellow.

Nice blue color, but if you look closely, there's a bright green ring around the polyp openings.

Here's another one I bought a few months back. This one has proven to be absolutely bulletproof. It's held this bright green color whether it's sitting on the bottom of the tank or the top.

Last but not least, here's another fts
Nice tank and nice pics as always. I can't wait to see those frags that I gave you growing in and what colors they turn, especially after seeing Gasman's pic of the tricolor.
I was there today (Reef's Edge) and that Shipment is out of this world...very nice selection of corals...i got myself some Rics

Great place

A+ on my book right next to Reef Farm
