New coral ( several parts turning white) help?


New member
i had it in the lower part of the tank for 2 days and then moved it to the upper part of the tank . i noticed several tips began to appear to be turning white. is it bleaching ? today i moved it to the bottom of the tank . how long should i keep it there ? and will the white parts come back and have color? thanks for any advice.
I'm not sure of your experience level but thought I'd offer that sometimes growth tips are white... do you know what kind it is?
here is a pic

here is a pic

I would make sure all your params are looking good, do a water change and leave it toward the bottom for a couple days and see what happens.
Are they white because they look blue to me. They look like growth tips imo. I would move it to the middle for a few weeks and then the top if thats were you want to place it ultimately.