New Custom Tank

I love how you will be able to view the tank from the lounge and kitchen. Not to beat a dead horse with a stick but I think maintenance is going to be a big pain. What if you need to catch a fish to QT it? Also, it looks like you will need to use smaller rock to aquascape. I would suggest using nylon rods and screws similar to that of Marco rocks. This will atleast ensure your rockwork stays in place thus making it less of a chance for the rockwork to disassemble. Also, due to your space constraints it appears the less you need to get into the tank the better!!! Good luck!!!
yer access is going to be well hard but its somthing im going ot have to live with. When i orriganly planned it i only had the lintals and all in. then i linned it with wood etc and it raised the tank higher.
My mess up but il just have to deal with it hey


You might want to invest in some high quality magnets for each side and leave them there to make daily cleaning easier.
Yeah man, that is going to be a real pretty setup, but as mentioned several times already, it's going to be very rough to get things in and out of there. Looks like you'll be pretty limited in what size rock etc you can put in without sliding the tank out of that hole...