Jawbone flats
New member
Old timer photographing corals here for the first time.. I am old school and learned on the reflector style or box style camera.
anyway back to present day
here is one of the photos i have taken and it seems its clarity or sharpness is off. also I have a lot of blue due to the LED's but I am guessing that is just going to be the way it is and will have to be edited out later.
the fungia plate is approx center of my 180G tank near the bottom so about 12" from the glass.
the LED lights are those chinese 3x1w blues and whites ( yea I know I will upgrade someday just not today )
I shoot in the RAW + FINE JPG for now.. eventually plan on RAW only
Spd 1/10 Ap F25
Exposure Mode set on Manual and ISO/1600
focal length 55mm (stock lens 18-55)
WB is Auto with A-B @A6 and G-M @ 0 (there is a RGB mode where i can slide to the reds to offset the blue was my thought here)
No flash
No Cropping
No Photoshop or whatever
I just used windows paint program to reduce it from 6016x4000 down to 800x531 for the sake of RC
I set aperature at F25 on purpose to maintain DOF clarity

Click for Original file (not the RAW file just the Fine JPG)
Any advice would be appreciated I am not a photographer just got a D3200 for Xmas and am trying to figure out how to work it without using any of the automatic presets.
anyway back to present day
here is one of the photos i have taken and it seems its clarity or sharpness is off. also I have a lot of blue due to the LED's but I am guessing that is just going to be the way it is and will have to be edited out later.
the fungia plate is approx center of my 180G tank near the bottom so about 12" from the glass.
the LED lights are those chinese 3x1w blues and whites ( yea I know I will upgrade someday just not today )
I shoot in the RAW + FINE JPG for now.. eventually plan on RAW only
Spd 1/10 Ap F25
Exposure Mode set on Manual and ISO/1600
focal length 55mm (stock lens 18-55)
WB is Auto with A-B @A6 and G-M @ 0 (there is a RGB mode where i can slide to the reds to offset the blue was my thought here)
No flash
No Cropping
No Photoshop or whatever
I just used windows paint program to reduce it from 6016x4000 down to 800x531 for the sake of RC
I set aperature at F25 on purpose to maintain DOF clarity

Click for Original file (not the RAW file just the Fine JPG)
Any advice would be appreciated I am not a photographer just got a D3200 for Xmas and am trying to figure out how to work it without using any of the automatic presets.