New Display Tank w/ prop system


New member
I am setting up a new show tank /propagation system in my shop.

The show tank will be a Leemar Flat Polish 60"x30"W x 24"T with Starphire glass on the front and both side panels (or maybe just one side panel). Overflow box will be centered on the back wall, trapezoidal.

I need a couple questions answered:
For current I was looking at using external Top mount pumps in all corners. I have yet to find good quality Top Mount pumps with a decent GPH.

In the past I used SEIO's at hte bottom of the tank pointing up to create a rolling wave from the front to the back. I liked this current but maintenance on thepumps was difficult. (In a 4x2x2 tank, I placed a SEIO 2600 center flanked with a SEIO 1500 on the left and right, All pointing upwards.)

I could use the new magnet pumps. I have yet to try these out.

Lastly I could design a closed loop. I hate the idea of drilling holes in the bottom and back of the tank. If the pump needs replacing and cleaning. I have to worry about the Ball valve still functioning.

So my questions come down to planning the current. What recommendations do you guys have. I want great current with little heat build up, takes up minimal space, while having the most trouble free maintenance.

All Ideas will be appreciated.

alot of people hook up tunze to wavyseas.. that would more than take care of it for you...

lol thanks.. i like to think all this bogus fish knowledge i have in my head can help someone out.. lol
Ok I was thinking about 2 or 4 Wavy Seas (either the back two corners or one in each corner or 4 along the back wall)

I think a closed loop run with an external pump will feed the Wavy Seas. If I do a closed loop, where would you all recommend the holes (water exiting the display tank).

I could do them out of the bottom of the tank?

Out the back wall mid level?

Out of the refugium/ sump with 2 drain holes to feed the sump from the tank due to the extrra flow.?

What do you guys think is best?

Or is Tunze in better than a closed loop?

Lastly I will probably place 2 SEIO 1500's at the bottom of the tank pointing straight up for added flow.

Any input here is appreciated.

Thanks all

Hi Todd,

Sounds like that is going to be a great tank!

I'm interested in the Tunze/Wavy Sea idea as well. I believe Greg Carroll had tried out the Tunze/Sea Swirl idea a year or two ago when someone first came up with the idea. You might want to contact him and see what his thoughts were.

The Tunzes alone should be more eletrically efficient at moving the same amount of water that a similar pump would in a closed loop. But, the price of the Tunzes plus the WavySeas or Sea Swirls gets pretty expensive pretty quickly as an initial investment. I have no idea how long it would take to break even going the Tunze/Sea(s) route.
