Need some advice, please
I have a 46 gallon acrylic bowfront with about 45 pnds of live rock,
live sand, Backpack CPR skimmer, maxi jet power head. The tank has been up and running since October 2005. Live rock from an old tank helped it cycle. I currently have a domino damsel and a lawnmower blenny that I have had for about a year in my old tank as well as a tomato clown and a royal gramma who I have had for about a month. Also have a couple of hermit crabs, two feather dusters, and a cleaner shrimp. All are doing fine. My problem is about a month and a half ago I added a pair of true percula clowns. One was significantly smaller than the other and died about three days after adding them. He looked fine, eating swimming doing great. Then about two days after that the larger one died. I waited a month (to see how the remaining fish do)and tried adding a yellow angel fish. he too was fine, swimming around and eating. About a week after I bought him he just died. No appearant signs of disease?? The water is fine, Nitrites, Amonia=0, PH is a little low=8.0, Nitrates=10, salinity = 1.025, temp= 76-78. Is there a reason why the newcommers are dying? Bad choice of fish for a newly established tank? Any suggestions would be much appreciated!
I have a 46 gallon acrylic bowfront with about 45 pnds of live rock,
live sand, Backpack CPR skimmer, maxi jet power head. The tank has been up and running since October 2005. Live rock from an old tank helped it cycle. I currently have a domino damsel and a lawnmower blenny that I have had for about a year in my old tank as well as a tomato clown and a royal gramma who I have had for about a month. Also have a couple of hermit crabs, two feather dusters, and a cleaner shrimp. All are doing fine. My problem is about a month and a half ago I added a pair of true percula clowns. One was significantly smaller than the other and died about three days after adding them. He looked fine, eating swimming doing great. Then about two days after that the larger one died. I waited a month (to see how the remaining fish do)and tried adding a yellow angel fish. he too was fine, swimming around and eating. About a week after I bought him he just died. No appearant signs of disease?? The water is fine, Nitrites, Amonia=0, PH is a little low=8.0, Nitrates=10, salinity = 1.025, temp= 76-78. Is there a reason why the newcommers are dying? Bad choice of fish for a newly established tank? Any suggestions would be much appreciated!