New fish showing enlarged gills in QT


New member
Brought home two new clowns yesrtday evening. I opted to prevenitively place them in a hypo salinity QT even though they looked great. My stores water is also a hypo state but not as much as mine. There's 1.015, mine 1.010. I did a drip aclimation over longer time given it was 5 pt delta. Started acclimation at 7pm and 8am transfered, water at the same lvl.. Now one of the clowns, left gill only is stuck in the open position and i see red inside like inflamation. Will post a pic soon. I realize now i should have put a battery bubbler or sometging to aerate for oxygen in the acclimation bucket but to late for that now.. I thought i saw something this morning but on second look didnt notice so off to work i had to go. This evening def there. Could this be just from the stress of it all, still adjusting to the 5pt diff, or some lack od oxy or other? Do you think I should do anything at this juncture?

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Brought home two new clowns yesrtday evening. I opted to prevenitively place them in a hypo salinity QT even though they looked great. My stores water is also a hypo state but not as much as mine. There's 1.015, mine 1.010. I did a drip aclimation over longer time given it was 5 pt delta. Started acclimation at 7pm and 8am transfered, water at the same lvl.. Now one of the clowns, left gill only is stuck in the open position and i see red inside like inflamation. Will post a pic soon. I realize now i should have put a battery bubbler or sometging to aerate for oxygen in the acclimation bucket but to late for that now.. I thought i saw something this morning but on second look didnt notice so off to work i had to go. This evening def there. Could this be just from the stress of it all, still adjusting to the 5pt diff, or some lack od oxy or other? Do you think I should do anything at this juncture?

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Heres more info...
Swimmimg normal, no scrathging, etc
Breathing appears normal, no gasping
Will feed soon and report back

Water params:
Temp 78
Salinity 1.010
Ph 8.0
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 5ppm

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Sounds to me like an injury due to handling. I suggest you monitor the situation and how it progresses.
Thankyou the fish was netted each time but i suppose it could have gotten caught. Id hate to lose her cause shes a real beaut

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Nets can be very harsh. For the next move, try herding her into a jar instead of using a net.
Nets can be very harsh. For the next move, try herding her into a jar instead of using a net.
Any guesstimate on gow long before something like this heals ? As of this morning still appears the same , perhaps spme of the redness when looking into the gill has subsided. Im assumung it maybe 2weeks just based on how lt takes for a cut to heal on me... short of any other reference...

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Looks like a flared gill to me. A deformity that occurs during the development process. If that’s the case it will be like that permanently and the fish should have been culled by the breeder.
Can you see any lump in the gill ? If not it could be an injury it could be possible the acclimation caused it due to ammonia. In the future don't acclimate the fish that long an hour tops is sufficient. Better yet match your qt SG with your Lfs SG float the bag to temp acclimate for 20 min cut the bag open and release the fish into the tank don't worry about ph it's not an issue.
Can you see any lump in the gill ? If not it could be an injury it could be possible the acclimation caused it due to ammonia. In the future don't acclimate the fish that long an hour tops is sufficient. Better yet match your qt SG with your Lfs SG float the bag to temp acclimate for 20 min cut the bag open and release the fish into the tank don't worry about ph it's not an issue.
Not sure about any lump. Ill try to get a better look and if possible post a better pic. Lessons learned on the a cclimation

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So I reached out to the lfs and shot over some photos describing the matter. An hour later, email back syarting yea its a deformity and to bring back for an exchange.

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