new fish (splendid dottyback)


New member
ok so i posted some pics of a new wrasse that i bought a couple weeks ago. well he is dead and i wanted a replacement. I only had a few fish and i was moving rock around and crushed a damsel, i figured i had the room for one more guy for a total of four fish.

it has been at lfs for like a month:

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here is pic, a cool little fish
Sweet looking fish.

There's just something neat about dottybacks.
I'd really like to get a neon dottyback, but I'm already overstocked... and, uh... don't like sleeping on the couch either. :p
Stay away from Neon Dottys. I had one killed lawnmower bleeny, chromis, cleaner shrimp, chased anthias and all where in the tank before he was !!