New member
So I finally have my temp frag tank that was on my coffee table broken down (my wife was ecstatic) and the new smaller frag tank is all up and running. Its a deep blue 20 long with a aquatop hob filter with uv sterilizer built in, hob red sea prism skimmer (thanks Beth and Kris for letting me use this for now), 2 koralia nano 240s, and until my new t5 fixture (ebay special, fingers are crossed) my reefbreeders led fixture is lighting the tank. For corals in it there is only zoa/paly tiles in it as this is more of a grow out tank than frag tank but who's labeling things here, lol. For livestock there is my pair of phantom clowns (thanks DMarina) with rbta, a blue devil damsel, and my mantis shrimp. I will add some turbo snails to the mix soon but right now there isnt anything for them to really eat so until there is they will be in my 75 and obviously, if you saw my mantis shrimp video, you know that shrimp are out of the question, lol. Now for some pics.
here are the phantom clowns
and the mantis playing hide and seek. I made an awesome tube home for him better than the one he had in my fuge and he refuses to go in it. The damsel hides in there making a pic impossible, lol
here are the phantom clowns
and the mantis playing hide and seek. I made an awesome tube home for him better than the one he had in my fuge and he refuses to go in it. The damsel hides in there making a pic impossible, lol