New Fuge...Will this light work??


New member
Hi, I just built a new fuge. So, I was wondering if this light(attached) would be big enough to grow most macros. The light has 2-13W PC's in it. I can choose from 6500K bulbs, or blue bulbs, or one of each. I have heard 6500K was a pretty good color for macros, is this true?? Which bulbs(combination) should i put in?? The fuge is a 5 gallon bucket, so the hood would fit perfectly over it, but i thought I would check to see if it will be strong enough before I bought it.

What do you think??


Do you already have that light? What size is your fuge and what are the dimensions? What kind of algae do you plan on growing? I think you might be better off with something a little brighter. I usually recommend those screw-in PC lamps which come in wattages of up to 45 and a metal dome light fixture like the kind used on reptiles. Check out for the screw-in PCs I'm talking about. The fixtures and bulbs both cost around $10 each.


It is just a 5 gallon bucket(10-11 inches in diameter, I think). The water will just swirl around in it and dump back into the sump. Right now I have Chaeto(sp?), and would definately want to grow some of that in there. And, also maybe some caulerpas too. And, no I don't have the light yet, I wanted to check and see if it would be powerful enough to grow macros before i got it.

I see some of these 42W Compacts on that site you posted. Is that the ones you are talking about?? And I see there are some different colors too, which colors are the best?

These are the lights I found on your website...

My Wal Mart has the 45 watt screw-in PC lamps. They are somewhat more yellow than the 6500K lamps they have at but truth be told the algae probably like the Wal Mart ones better. I found them in with the light bulbs, not in the fish dept. in my area Wal Mart.

home depot... not my fav store.. but they have bulbs in a blue package. spiral pc with the normal bulb screw.. 19 watts 6500k.
Also have aluminum work lights for under 5 bucks a shot... very strong clips on them.
cant remember now 19 watts... something like that "rated" for 75 watts of output... sorry cant look it up now either :(
You will see though there is only one that actually says on the package that it is 6500k
I have a 18 inch cpr fuge with a reg 18 inch dayglow flor. tube 15 watts I have never had a prob growing caulerpa 3 different types I have to pull it out every three weeks because it grows that fast.

Oh I have been running it for over two years 24.7 with no prob.

yeah, i have a 20 gallon and 10 gallon tank, both with flourescent strip lights on them...the ten gallon has a bunch of macro in it that i am holding til i get my sump going. it is growing macro very well with that light. i am probably going to go with the screw in pc because i am kinda limited on room. the bucket is only about 11 inches in diameter, so if i put a flourescent strip on it would have to be kinda small in order for it to fit. i haven't gotten out to walmart yet to look for lights yet. probably this weekend.

I bought a 27 Watt Flourex fixture that they sell at HD made by Lights of America. It is a 6500k color temp bulb. It says that it puts out the equivalent of 150 W incandescent. Not bad for $25.