My new T. gigas from LiveAquaria. Must be 17+ years since they last imported.
RC is really going down. Big news like this and not a mention on this site.
Here is my Gigas today. Since I got him on 7/11/2019 his shell have growth more than 1/4 of an inch. The larger sea star is about 1/3 of an inch. One can use this as a guide to how fast this clam grow rate is. Of course the Ca and Alk must be keep optimal. Just check today, my Ca is 450 and Alk is 3.88. I just reset up my Ca reactor anticipation what a black hole this clam is in term of sucking up CaCO3.
I haven't had a clam in probably 7 years but I definitely remember how deceptively slow they grew untill you looked at a photo and realized the massive difference.
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