new house = new tank... 300g cube


New member
i stared a thread not too long ago about my new tank and build. ive made so many changes since my last update that i just decided to start over.

at the end of october my girlfriend and i moved into out first house. this of course means that a new tank was in order. after much discussion on here and even more reading and research, a plan was created. all i new i the beginning was i wanted bigger tank and i wanted it to have that built in look. i quickly came to realize that what i really needed to please my own asthetic was a more three dimensional look. i also realized that i had to relocate the equipment to a more remote location so not to distract from display 4mo later and the tank itself is done. ended up going with a 300g 4'x5'x2'. it fit nicely into the corner of the new living room and i viewable from 2 sides. im just working up the structure/ wall/ canopy now. i went with seperate room in the garage that i fabricated for the equipment room. i plumbed the overflow and return through the living room wall out through the back yard and into the garage. approximately 90 feet.

in the sump room, i have a 4'x4'x10" sump that was a display from a lfs. it has 3 seperate channels. a diagram will follow. a reeflo dart feeds the carbon and phosban reactors, geo818 calcium reactor, the 40g refugium and the deltec ap902 skimmer. i run a reeftek kalk reactor on my auto top off

the main return is a reeflo barracuda that is teed off to feed the 1/2hp pacific coast chiller. with everything being plumbed under ground, im hoping not to need anything bigger.

the main display has two 1.25" returns. ive got 2 6100 tunze streams in opposite corner shooting towards each other. ive got another 6100 in a tunze rock running across my reef structure. below the tank is a pair of darts running on closed loop plumbed through the bottom of the display. one is split into two 1" split 90s. the other is running an oceans motions 4-way. i will run these on timers that will over lap. they will run for two 4 hour stretches a day. the display has a diagonal corner overflow with 2 2" drains.

my lighting consists of a pair of 400w 14k hamiltons and a pair of 250w 12k reeflux. both run on pfo dual ballasts. these will be my first upgrades. i actually have a pair of pfo hqi ballasts for the 400s. all reflectors are lumenarc minis.

currently the livestock list contains:
1x regal angel
2x bellus angel
1x masked japanese swallowtail
1x achilles tang
1x black longnose tang
1x copperband butterfly
2x roseafascia wrasse
1x splendid leopard wrasse
1x black leopard wrasse
1x white cap clown w/ blue haddoni
1x swalesi basslet
1x yellow clown goby

this is very much an sps reef but i do hope to have a little diversity with a few ricordia, an lps or two but this is mainly for those colored sticks. i have a very specific asthetic that im going for. the main display consists of the main crest along the two rear walls with a second large island in the foreground. this creates two things: a long valley/ channel going diagonally across the tank and an area of reduced flow in the front corner for some of the lps and monitporas.

now of course pix will follow. this was mainly to pass my sunday morning before i start work again. so i look forward to sharing my hard work with you all.

Looking good and I love the depth of the tank!

On the 2x bellus angels, do you have a male and a female or just 2 famales? It's hard to tell in the photo's.
the skimmer, a deltec ap902, probably a little undersized but it is a deltec so we'll see

my reactors, a geo 818, an mrc reactor for carbon, and a slightly smaller one for phosban.

then here is a shot of the entire room. wall installed by me by the way so be nice.

still making small adjustments so ignore the tangled mess of wires. they will be bundled and hidden soon enough.

again thanx for looking
Very cool. I like the perspectives you get with your rockwork. We just moved and our new house "needs" a 300 gallon tank, too, I think ;)