New member
I'm Amy, I have 4 kiddos and a busy house but I have always wanted to set up a saltwater tank so I finally did this August. I've previously had freshwater tanks but it's been awhile since we were in the fish game at all.
Tank setup:
80 lbs of man made live rock (which was way too much for my liking aesthetically so some is shoved into the sump, is that beneficial at all or should I just take it out?)
30lbs of sand
r/o water mixed at home to 1.023
sump (not sure what size, maybe 20-30?)
a pump more than capable of circulating a 200 gallon tank (can't remember details)
octo reef space saving protein skimmer 150
2 AI Prime HD lights
Live Stuff:
2 clowns
1 cleaner shrimp
20 ish snails (variety)
a few crabs
some coral but nothing big or complicated yet, green stars, leathers, torches.
*recently added this Tues*
1 Blue Tang
1 Sailfin Tang (not sure he's being nice to the Dory)
1 Royal Gramma
I'm confused about a few things and worried about one.
First and foremost, We are heading out of town for 3.5-4 days this weekend, I just added three fish and I haven't even seen the Royal Gramma since i moved him into the tank. I don't really have anyone I trust to take of the tank. Would you just leave it? If I have to have someone check it. Do I put portioned/labelled days of food and hope they can handle it? Do I give them pre0mixed water or plain R/O in gallons to add? Leave the skimmer on or off?
Other things about the tank in general:
1. Does the tank raise it's own salinity levels? Do I have to add plain R/O from time to time? Or just pre-mixed 1.023 water? I have been very careful about my mixing and it was just 1.026 when I tested, so I assume I have to add plain R/O. How often do I add plain vs. mixed water
2. How often should I be adding and testing alkalinity and Calcium? Is there anything else I should be testing all the time? The tank fully cycled within a week of having 5 royal damsels living in it (which I traded in for the tangs yesterday just to be safe). So am I done testing the initial Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrates?
3. Automatic Top-off systems. I'm kind of handy but the electrical aspect seems confusing and somewhat iffy. Is there a way to rig a system up that works more like a toilet (sans electricity)? A float that turns or opens a valve in a bucket or tub with a valve installed? Links? Knowledge?
4. Do you ever clean the pump or bottom of the protein skimmer? How? It's a super tight squeeze for the skimmer to get in under the stand and into the sump, so I'm not sure I can remove it.
I'm going to attempt to add pics from my phone in the comments.
Hello and Thank you for any advice you have, I really don't know what I'm doing,
I'm Amy, I have 4 kiddos and a busy house but I have always wanted to set up a saltwater tank so I finally did this August. I've previously had freshwater tanks but it's been awhile since we were in the fish game at all.
Tank setup:
80 lbs of man made live rock (which was way too much for my liking aesthetically so some is shoved into the sump, is that beneficial at all or should I just take it out?)
30lbs of sand
r/o water mixed at home to 1.023
sump (not sure what size, maybe 20-30?)
a pump more than capable of circulating a 200 gallon tank (can't remember details)
octo reef space saving protein skimmer 150
2 AI Prime HD lights
Live Stuff:
2 clowns
1 cleaner shrimp
20 ish snails (variety)
a few crabs
some coral but nothing big or complicated yet, green stars, leathers, torches.
*recently added this Tues*
1 Blue Tang
1 Sailfin Tang (not sure he's being nice to the Dory)
1 Royal Gramma
I'm confused about a few things and worried about one.
First and foremost, We are heading out of town for 3.5-4 days this weekend, I just added three fish and I haven't even seen the Royal Gramma since i moved him into the tank. I don't really have anyone I trust to take of the tank. Would you just leave it? If I have to have someone check it. Do I put portioned/labelled days of food and hope they can handle it? Do I give them pre0mixed water or plain R/O in gallons to add? Leave the skimmer on or off?
Other things about the tank in general:
1. Does the tank raise it's own salinity levels? Do I have to add plain R/O from time to time? Or just pre-mixed 1.023 water? I have been very careful about my mixing and it was just 1.026 when I tested, so I assume I have to add plain R/O. How often do I add plain vs. mixed water
2. How often should I be adding and testing alkalinity and Calcium? Is there anything else I should be testing all the time? The tank fully cycled within a week of having 5 royal damsels living in it (which I traded in for the tangs yesterday just to be safe). So am I done testing the initial Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrates?
3. Automatic Top-off systems. I'm kind of handy but the electrical aspect seems confusing and somewhat iffy. Is there a way to rig a system up that works more like a toilet (sans electricity)? A float that turns or opens a valve in a bucket or tub with a valve installed? Links? Knowledge?
4. Do you ever clean the pump or bottom of the protein skimmer? How? It's a super tight squeeze for the skimmer to get in under the stand and into the sump, so I'm not sure I can remove it.
I'm going to attempt to add pics from my phone in the comments.
Hello and Thank you for any advice you have, I really don't know what I'm doing,