New Lionfish

When I first got my antennata, he would SWIM upside down along with my Fuzzy dwarf Lion from teh same online order! they would all sleep together upside down in the corner of the tank, and will float upside down at the top of the water when hungry begging for food! It took about a month to switch them over from frozen, in the meantime, I gut packed FW ghost shrimp with cyclopeeze, and they loved those! Unfortunately, my dwarf myseriously died of a freak powerhead electrocution accident... very sad.... the Antennata since has been very active and eating like crazy, looks healthy and vibrant
When I first go him:

A month later:

And last week:

BTW: I have not witnessed any upside down behavior for months..although they act alittle funny when I turn on a lamp in the room next to the tank at night time, its like they thinkthe sun is rising from the Side of the tank!