New Mushroom


New member
I picked this (and 4 of it's siblings) up 2 Saturdays ago. I am sure it is not rare, but I thought it was pretty neat.

Also trying to get a decent picture of the mottled pink/maroon actinodiscus with pink spots colony that I got, but can't get a good shot of them yet.

I will try to get a picture of the pinkish red mushroom with pink is as nice as this one, but I can't get a good shot of makes this one look sort of plain.
Pink Spotted Mushrooms

Pink Spotted Mushrooms

Here is the best shot I can get of the Pink Spotted Mushrooms mentioned above. The large one on the bottom left of the colony grabbed and ate a mysid shrimp last night. The shrimp (frozen) landed on the very left edge of the mushroom, which proceeded to fold over it's left half toward it's mouth and eat the shrimp. I have seed rics and hairy's do this like this but never one that appears to be an actinodiscus.

The big one in front is about quarter size. The others are all in the dime size range as well, but have grown a good bit since I got them (around 2 weeks ago).