New Osmolator Issue


New member
Hello, everyone!

I just purchased and installed an Osmolator for my 25 gallon reef.
Today I noticed the water level had fallen with no action taken by the osmolator. The green light was on.
Unplugging the unit and plugging it back in resulted in a moment of yellow light + pump action, then a green light again.
To further complicate things (and panic me severely) I'm leaving town in two hours.

There is nothing blocking the sensor. What can I do? I'll be out of town for three days and the return from the sump in my Solana runs dry in 10-12 hours.


i assume you left already - but i would have checked to make sure the hose attached to the pump is on correctly and that the pump itself doesn't have any airbubbles.
Yeah, I left already.
I'd checked the pump, turned it upside down, checked for bubbles.
About 15 minutes before I left I unplugged it again and the pump ran until the correct level was met.
Right now it is just a fingers-crossed kind of thing.
Garrick, I am sorry I missed your posts, I had a rough couple weeks working 12 hour days and I took a long weekend to recooperate. The most logical possibility is that there is some water trickling down the sensor or sticking between the sensor and holder.
I've had weeks like those. I can totally sympathize.

Well, I returned home to find the sump area bone dry and the tank a few inches low.
I lost some coral perched on the top rocks and the fish were completely freaked but I haven't been able to fully assess the damage.
I know my tunze nano stream hated even brief exposure to air.
I'm sure there was no water anywhere near the sensor.
Power cycling the unit triggers a couple of seconds of pump actions before it goes back to a green light.
I'm certain it did not run at all over the weekend.
Could the controller just be buggy?
This is, without question, the best top-off system on the market. I'm sure this issue is related to my specific unit and not the product itself, which is a slick and complete package of awesome.
What can I do before I head out of town again and freak out?



As everyone expected, Mr. Vitko is totally taking care of everything.
I have no concerns with purchasing Tunze products and completely love my Nano Stream and Nano Doc skimmer.
I will continue to purchase Tunze products with confidence in the future.

How many Nano Streams is too many for a 25 gallon tank?
Mine does the same thing, the sensor appears clean - however a wipe down with a microfiber cloth has always helped me...
Garrick, sorry I missed your last post. For a 25 I wouldn't think more than 2 nano streams would be needed, size would depend on the corals kept and the 6055 would be the ideal as you could adjust the flow as needed.

LilRobb, if the optic sensor is not acting properly and is clean and free of scratches the cause will usually be either water clinging between the sensor and mounting or water trickling over the sensor or the sensor is starting to fail. Please check.