new problem..


In Memoriam
starting to get a nasty algae problem.. been adding hermits, but most die as soon as I put them in, or with in a couple of days.. and im worried im just adding to the problem.. :(
this is what 90% of my sand looks like..


this is whats left of the rock that Jeff gave me.. :(

and some more around the tank..

Looks like a cyano outbreak. Is this a new tank (setup within the last month?)? I had a similar outbreak when I first started my tank...and one other time I had someone else feeding the 13gal tank (wayyy too much food).

I found some conchs did very well to keep the sand turning over and to eat the algae itself.

From my understanding, it takes several factors to start something like this.
1)excess of nutrients (food or something died)
2)excessive lighting
3)low flow/low turning over of sand

It can't be a good sign if hermits are all dying in a matter of hours or days. (Could be because one hermit is killing most). If you are using RO/DI or natrual seawater, I'd consider doing a couple 5-10% water changes per week. Tap water may compund your problem. Me thinks water quality may be an issue (something died and is cauing it to go downhill.)

tanks been up and running for just over 3 months now.. I feed about once a week.. altho I do feed a lot. And I do a waterchange the next day. Im useing RO/DI water with reef crystals salt. Flow should be good with my closed loop, altho I guess I need to re-order those penductors. and my lighting is on from 7AM to 9PM..
Any fish in the tank?

Does the food ever make it to the bottom of the tank? I was told by someone that uneaten food(flakes, pellets, etc) is poison. If it touches the bottom of the tank, it was too much food or given too quickly.

I think these outbreaks have to run their course. Mine took a few weeks for it to start going away...I fed 2-3 times a day with a lot less food, 2-3 water changes a week, only had lighting on from 8am to 4pm.

I vacummed out a lot of sand that had it on it, but not sure if that was the right thing to do.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8210038#post8210038 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Donstuprich
Have you checked your levels?

nope.. high levels.. means do water change. I know my nitrates are probably high right now. Nothing I can do about it.

Dana, I have 7 fish, altho one is a mandrin.. I mix one cube of mysis shrimp and a small cube of cyclopeeze. there is no way none of it hits the bottom.
If your nitrates are high. checkk out sugar dosing. worked really good for me and works for a lot of ppl. Check it out. might help.
You said you were having a temp problem right? I would contribute this to the temp issue and the fact your tank is still new. under 6 months is prone to issues like this.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8215390#post8215390 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by fdokinawa
mmm dont have a nitrate test kit anymore..

The PX/BX sells dip strips for cheap. they are fresh water and for saltwater, testing between those and the other 'add this/that, shake, add 4 more drops..etc. etc.' kit, they tested the same, every time I tried it.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8215439#post8215439 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jeffb3t
You said you were having a temp problem right? I would contribute this to the temp issue and the fact your tank is still new. under 6 months is prone to issues like this.
no temp problems for about a month now.. new chiller.. works good.
If it were me:

10% water change every 3-4 days
shorten light cycle (maybe 8 hours a day)
test the water
check any filter socks/canister filters/misc places detritus can build up (sump)
change carbon if using it
find out why hermits are dying so quickly
change feeding schedule (small portions twice a day)

Most of mine cleared by doing the above. I wouldn't think anything is so drastic to crash your tank.

yea, going to do more water changes.. its going to be hard to shorten the light cycle.. I get home around 8:30, so even now, I only get to see my tank for about a half an hour on days I work. Guess I can move the "on" time back some. Im feeding about once a week now.. I want to find some sea food(squid, shrimp ect) and mix everything I have together in a blender and freeze it all.
No carbon, and no clue on the hermits.. :(
wow.. have another problem.. was trying to reposition my skimmer when i accidently pushed up against the pipe comming from my fuge.. and it cracked the glass enough to cause a leak.. had to empty what I could out of the fuge into the sump..

going to start a new post on this.. jeff, if your free this weekend.. I think we have a new project.. :D