New puffer biting tank


Shark Obsessed
I put a new puffer in my FOWLR's a 7" Stars and Stripes puffer. He's really fun to watch, I think I'm going to like him....except for one thing. Every once in awhile he will bite the side of the tank. You can hear his teeth scrape. This wouldn't be a big deal, except it's an acrylic tank. Is this just a habit of puffers, or is it just an acclimation issue and will go away? He may be seeing his reflection and trying to bite it.
Here's a few pics of the little guy:




Thanks.....he's settled down some and hasn't bit the sides in awhile.....

I figured the snail was too big for him to eat, at least right now....maybe not's really hard to get any kind of cleanup crew in an aggressive tank.....I added a 5" goatfish today that hopefully will help with cleanup. What do you have as a cleanup in your tank, or are YOU the cleanup crew?:D
I dont actually own a puffer, but I have seen alot of them do it. I was told that they all do this and they are trying to wear down their teeth. But that was just what I was told.
He's not doing it anymore.....maybe he was just nervous.......

I tried feeding him a piece of krill a few minutes ago....he ate it but then spit it back out, in about 20 pieces.....I tried a piece of clam, same thing. I guess it's too early to expect him to eat. At least he tried.
that's how they eat. He will always do that. I have seen several puffers and they all eat chunks and spit out a most of it. They are really meshy eaters.
it is a really funky habit of puffers, but most of the outgoing ones do it.. my golden likes to bear is teeth on the glass and wiggle foreward vigoriously, and then splah about a quart of water , through the glass tops,
he will certailnly make a mess of your acryllic tank and in fact, i would start looking at glass options, because all of those scratches he has made are going to fill with impossible to remove algae and look terrible in a few months.
enjoy him!
puffers are awesome, and totally worth it
Well, glass is not really an option for me at this point.....I don't know what my options are except to have to give him up if he keeps doing it......I have 2 240 tanks in the fishroom, so there's no room for another tank, and it would be kind of crazy to take down the acrylic, sell it, then buy a glass one.

Now I'm starting to get a little worried.
I have my 13" S&S puffer in with hermits, turbo snails, and cleaner shrimp.....he's never killed any of them. He tries to take a swipe now and then at the snails and hermits, but their shells are just to tough for the puffer. Kind of surprises me, because I have seen him take chunks out of the LR wittling down his teeth

I also feed mine raw shrimp with tails on, spirulina discs, nori sheets, silversides, and raw fish (as well as the krill and clams you mentioned)
Check out my old puffer in my avatar -- caught in the act!:hammer:

He'll do it forever. He'll do it especially when you come near the tank, as he will expect he is going to get fed. It's the puffer equivalent of a dog wagging its tail. That's why it's always better to put puffers and triggers in glass tanks. (All 3 of the clown triggers I owned "bit" the front glass when they wanted food or were annoyed with me).

Just clench your teeth and prepare for scratches -- they're coming. :o
I fed him a piece of shrimp a little while ago....he liked it.....I'm surprised he's eating already, he's only been in the tank since noon.

I tried mussels but he didn't like it much, neither did my Zebra Eel.

Yeah, guess I'll just have to put up with the scratches.....I've kinda got attached to the little pig already.
I'm sure he was just feeling out your tank and seeing his reflection. All though mine will swim up and down the glass and circles around my algae clip. Little game of his.

When i first got mine he did the samething you descibe.

Puffers and acrylic can be a bad idea. He will scratch it quite easy!..

They do have a freat personality, canbe interesting.

Nice puffer;)
I have a question with inverts with puffers. I read that it can be done and that it is impossible. Is it just temperment of each fish. Also can a brittle sea star work our is that out also. Not trying to hijack, just want to know more about there behaviors

The scrapping against the glass seems to be natural with Puffers. I have a Stars & Stripes and a Porcupine Puffer and they both do it. As for an acrylic tank you may want to watch out that he doesn't eventually scratch the inside with its teeth. This is why I went with glass. Funny thing is I have a ton of Turbo Snails and I haven't lost one of them. Good Puffers.