Last night I was feeding shrimp in my FOWLR tank.....I have a Blue Head Wrasse in there, so I shred a few pieces of shrimp for him, since he has a smaller mouth. I hadn't fed anyone in the tank the day before, so the inhabitants were a little hungry. I was on a stool, shredded the shrimp and then stuck my hand into the water to release the pieces. Well, I forgot to account for Puffy, my 9" Stars n Stripes puffer. He must have been really close, because my hand was in the water for maybe 2 seconds and he bit the everloving crap out of my finger. He's usually very gentle when I feed him by hand, but I guess he was just really hungry. It bled for about 10 minutes. The worst part was the surprise about getting bit. I never saw it coming. Hopefully I won't make this same mistake again. He left a pretty good set of marks on my finger, OUCH!