New pumps


7 Year Newbie
So I switched out my internal pumps to 2 reeflo external One for my return and reactors and one for my skimmer. Now my water temp. went from 78 to 80 to 81 to 82. Is this Normal?
If your Reeflo's are under a closed cabinet, they will put off heat, heat will rise to the bottom of the tank and heat it up. Mine used to get pretty warm to the touch. I dont think the water is getting heated from going through the volute and into the tank. Maybe try to insulate the bottom of the tank if thats the case. Or a fan placed to blow the hot air out.
Well it's not hot in the cabinet...The return pump isn't near as hot as the yellowtail...So I'm thinking the pressure pump is causing the heat....Now I'm back to step one.... Anyone looking for pressure pump? lolol
Well it's not hot in the cabinet...The return pump isn't near as hot as the yellowtail...So I'm thinking the pressure pump is causing the heat....Now I'm back to step one.... Anyone looking for pressure pump? lolol

LOL, I feel your pain. I think I bought and sold 3 pumps the last couple months, I have an Iwaki coming
I guess the Vectra L1 will be the next one I buy and try.....lolol

I just had to replace one of mine last week, I have 2. They dont do Pressure well, I tried them on my skimmer, I got more air with a Panworld at 790 gph. I use the L1's for returns, great pumps, and silent.
Along w/ what Jim says: I have three vectra L1's : one each on both mixing stations and one on the 150.

I'm running the one on the 150 at 50% externally and it's overheating quite often - the tank is stable at 79.3 and the ambient temperature is 75. It was the same temperature when I was running a waveline dc 12000 at around 70% (which seized up on me).

I've read issues where running externally at anything over 60% is causing overheating and shut down.

The fix is a firmware upgrade but since I don't plan on buying or running a reeflink - I'm SOL.

I'm thinking about going the Royal Exclusive Red Dragon route to replace my wavelines and the vectra I have running on the 150 and the 300.
I ran an iwaki for years and had no heat issues. I'm going to run an L1 external on my new system and see if I can get the same results with heat but less power consumption.

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