New QT Tank


First things first.
1. How old is this aquarium? Display 7 Years old with one move midway.

2. If less than six months old, what is ammonia level?

3. What is SG of this aquarium? How measured? 1.026 refractometer.

4. When was the last fish added to this aquarium? June 23rd 2019.

5. Was it quarantined? No If so, how? And how long? Was it prophylactically treated? How?

6. If you are using a copper based medication, which one? How often do you measure level? When? Not yet.

7. If you are using hyposalinity, how did you calibrate your refractometer?

8. Please describe in detail, the appearance of the fish? If there is one or more pimples, are they lumpy? What color?

9. Please describe the behavior of the fish as best you can. Is it acting reclusive? Is it always up towards the top of the aquarium? Is it avoiding light? How active is the fish?

10. Is the fish eating? What? Yes

On to my question. I have had a reoccurring problem in 120 gallon reef display with what I suspect to be ich, maybe velvet? Pops up every year or two. I hav enever QT'd. Have learned my lesson, after 30 some years in hobby. Have had mild success with Polylab medic recently but not enough.
I am moving my 3 remaining fish to a new qt and allowing display to go fallow for 8 - 10 weeks as recommended here. the 3 fish are, a longnose hawk and a leopard wrasse that never showed signs of disease and a Purple Tang that had it right after I got him on , cleared up for awhile. Introduced a Pyrimid Butterfly that did not get anything until I addedd a Bluethroat trigger that went down fast. Then the pyrimid got it. Ate real good but could not overcome it even with the Poly Medic. pyrmid died and purple got it again. It has cleared up with the medic but i suspect he may be the "carrier"?
My question for right now is will a 35 gallon be ok to put the tang in for the 10 weeks and what can I use (copper) to put an end to it?
A 35 gallon QT will be fine for those 3 fish, but I recommend putting some sand in a glass pyrex bowl for the Leopard Wrasse.

Use Copper Power and treat at 2.0 ppm for 30 days. This Hanna copper meter is necessary for testing:

It is accurate to within 0.05 ppm, and eliminates the guessing game of trying to read a color chart.