New Reef Life


Went to visit the new location of reef life. He is located on the SW corner of Griffin and Pine Island Rd. I have to say that Patrick's new set up was very impressive. His coral selection as always is second to none. The new coral display tank allows you to view the corals at all angles as well from above. He has a separate fish area, invertebrate, quarrantine and supply section. I was also impressed with the many wall decorations for sale. He is setting up a large display tank in the front of the store as well as a few more holding tanks in the back. In my opinion, Reef life will be one of the premium LFS in South Florida.
I was there yesterday. The new store is truly awesome.The bad part is that I probably will stop by there every night after work now because it's so much closer to my house.
I'll be broke in no time......:D
I have to agree with Andrea......way too close to my house....weekend I go over a friend house...who lives around the block
I saw the store sat. His first day open. Very very nice layot. Certainly much nicer than the previous locale by leaps and bounds. His selection has always been very very good, although the prices sometimes seem a bit high for most people. It is funny that there is a new reef store open just around the block from old location and now he is the new store just down the block from another older store, reefs edge. Just a bit ironic, but I don't think they interfere with each other as I think they have very different clientele bases.

Certainly wish himt he best of luck.
Definitely different clientele. Pat's stony corals are the best selection and quality around, and Mark's LPS are the best quality around. Both have similar prices. Pat always has neater and higher end fish in good quality, and usually different from Mark's selection. I don't need anyone else.
Actually, we are further from Reef's Edge than we were in our previous location. It's nice to have a little breathing room from your competitors. :D