New setup advice/opinions


New member
My 20 gallon test tank is looking good thanks to a very generous shipment of corals from Insanefishguy (thanks again) so I will be moving everything to a new 29 gallon tank in our living room. I'm looking for some equipment suggestions. This will be a mushroom, gsp etc. easy coral tank.

I currently have a 2 bulb t5 HO fixture on the the 20 and I figure I will add another so I'll have 4 bulbs over the 29. Will this be enough or too much?

A sump will not be possible so I'll have to go with some HOB equipment. Would I be better off with a HOB skimmer or a HOB refugium? I am just using a HOB filter at this time and I do have a HOT Magnum I could use for gac or gfo.

You are very welcome, Rich. It's too bad we couldn't get some zoas in that shipment for even more colors! I've been running t5s for years, and I would say that with decent bulbs, you'll have plenty of light for those softies. Does your fixture have a flat reflector or individual reflectors (or a single reflector contoured for each bulb)?
It's just one reflector not individuals for each bulb. Are you saying I should just keep the 2 bulb fixture or add another for a total of four?

By the way, one of the green striped mushrooms has already split off another smaller one. The fastest growing thing you sent is actually the small piece of ricordea that was attached to the nepthea rock.

The only things that don't seem really happy are the blue mushrooms, they almost look over extended. I don't know if it's too much or too little light or current.
If you are planning on keeping some of the more sensitive corals (Higher end SPS etc.) I would go with the skimmer. If not a HOB fuge with some chaeto or a big aquaclear power filter would be good.

Usually anything under 30 gallons you can get away without having a skimmer as long as you keep on top of your water changes.
I picked up an Aquatic Life mini skimmer today, the online reviews were good.

How about lighting? A four bulb t5 or stay with my two bulb?

Thanks for the help.
It definately will not be too much. You'll need the extra bulbs with the added depth. Everybody I know that's gone from 2 to 4 bulbs never regretted it on any size tanks.