New Sump (Planning)


New member
I'd like to say that I hate water changes. I spill, I suck water, it just seems stupid. *I know people have pumps and can do it easier than a siphon. But with all this, my water changes force me to turn off the return pump, and I end up with the display tank lowering its water level exposing corals and creatures for who knows how long it takes me to do this.

I'm looking for tips/suggestions for this design.
I know the picture is rough, but it took forever on sketchup. So I went paint instead.

The sump is 6' 125gallons. Just a plain ol' (drill-able) sump. I wont have live rock in it, it wont be half fuge, just used as a sump.

I'd like to drill it 65 gallons down from where my normal operating water level will be. So that with a switch of a valve, I will have 65 gallons draining from my tank straight into the floor drain. (Yes, slow enough not to flood my floor)

I want to keep enough water in the sump to keep everything running as if the 65 gallons was never there in the first place and doesnt have to be. I will shut the valve, then open the valve on my water container above the sump and dump 65 fresh saltwater back into my system without ever turning on or off a pump or siphon. Just two simple valves....

Gray boxes represent return pumps/heaters/feed pumps to my skimmer.

I am not sure where to put some baffles. I'd like them to reduce bubbles, and hopefully contain detritus. (For yes....when I siphon it out...but so rarely that it doesnt matter if it happens once every 2 or 6 months.)


Blue line = Normal Operating level
Pink line = Operating level during water change

Inside the sump I will have the following:
-Return Pump (To Display)
-Return Pump (To Frag)
-Return Pump (To Skimmer)
-Return Pump (To Fuge)
-Return Pump (Carbon Reactor)

-Return pipe (from display)
-Return pipe (Fuge)
-Return pipe (frag)
-Return pipe (Skimmer)
-Return pipe (Carbon)

-Probes (AC/PH)

*I know it seems like a lot of pumps and pipes. I might be able to get bigger pumps and "t" them off with valves to control the flow. I'm not committed either way

Thanks for reading!
I appreciate the feedback

200 Gallon Display, 125g Sump, 40g Frag, 40g Fuge, 5g Skimmer :)
If you already have the pumps than you might as well use them. I would put a couple baffles in. Where your returns dump from the display is where I would put the skimmer pump, say in the far side. Than it would be easier to clean that first section every time you do a w/c. You could use socks they help with bubbles but you have to change them out regularly. You could use the center for macro if you don't already have sump.
I've got a separate fuge for macro, but I was just wondering if baffles would help control some of the bubbles and also detritus
I ran a baffle-less sump just like this for years. Water changes were very easy. The only drawback was microbubbles. Depending on your turnover rate, this may or may not be an issue.