New Tank Build!


Okay, here goes! Over the weekend I got a great deal on a 120 gallon acryllic aquarium. Has overflow in right back corner and am ready to start some planning for my whole system. I'm wanting to do lots of planning here and hoping I can get some veterans tagging along to help make sure I do this build right. I know from project management that 30-40% is planning and the other 60-70% is the implementation.
Background: Have previously had about 6-7 years of experience with african cichlids and have taken on reefing since June of last year. I've been fascinated with the hobby and try to learn as much as I can when I can. I'm most likely shooting to have this all done over Christmas break because right now, I have a few extra hours I can spend on system on the weekends but not much of anything during week (Currently work at UPS, GA at Ball State University, and working on my Masters!)
Anyways, back to the tank. I bought the tank and I received a 20 gallon wet/dry filter which is not going to cut it. I have never built a sump/refugium and am wanting to go big now! My display tank is in my living room and below it is my basement. I'm wanting to have 2 pipes run through floor directly below to a place where I will be placing the refugium, sump, frag tank (future), and salt mix station (2 barrels).
I think my first project is going to be designing the sump and refuge area and then working from that point. I still have to knock out some cabinets and a shower that was put in the basement by previous owner. After this, I will need to build stand for refuge/sump. I am currently downloading Google Sketchup which I've never used but I'm going to try to let everyone know where I'm going with this. I'll try to post pics from time to time because nothing describes better than pics.
Oh, another note...I've got an extra 55 that is empty and plan on going ahead and doing what I need to do on the 55 for the sump. Then after I get the display up and running upstairs, I will add the other 55 now emptied to become my sump! I'm going to try to do some sketches of the setup I'm invisioning here soon but have too many other things I've got to do today.
Also, I'm going to do the foam creating of rocks on the tank too. So, lets commence and hope that I can get this thing done in a 2 month span....For a few weeks most of it is going to be planning and getting everyones advice. Also a great learning experience for others because I'm trying to make this thread from beginning to end. I'll post lots of pics and please have patience with my photography skills. I've taken pics of my tank previously but was too embarassed to post because I'm not quite the photographer many of you are.
And as far as the frag tank, I want to build plumbing in system to be able to easily add frag tank in the next few months. My original plan was to have the 55 be the refuge/sump but decided I'd have one for the sump and the other 55 for the refugium. More water volume is always better and I figure a bigger water volume is ALWAYS better. Also, I wanted the frag tank to be shallower considering that I want to make money or be as efficient as I can with energy with the frags. I just want to be able to help support my hobby with any frag sales. (Any sales will go into my "reef fund", as I tell my wife!)
Sketchup is taking me much longer than I figured...I've had experience with Photoshop and figured I could draw it up in no time. Anyways, I'll try to get some of it sketched up tonight after I start figuring out some of the sketchup tools!
So, let us get some chatter going on here...Does everyone think that a 55 for a sump and a 55 for the refugium will be sufficient? I could always go bigger but not sure if would be very much more beneficial? Should I instead use a 75 gallon for the refugium and just go ahead and use the 55 I have now for a frag tank. Yes, I know a 55 is deep for a frag tank but I could put a rack half way up and just go that route? Then I would not have to worry about having to build an acrylic frag tank. Would be cheaper and less time too which could help me?!
Okay, Since I've got no replies here I guess I'll just keep talking about my tank build! I've drawn up a sketch of what 120 with type of stand I plan on building. I really don't quite know where doors will be placed and so forth and I think I may make the The wood enlose the tank on the ends because the sheets on the ends of the tank are actually blue acrylic because the tank was an in-wall setup previously! I'm going to try to get some pics of the actual tank tonight. Thanks for looking and hope you'll stick around!
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