New tank going up - stand pics


Premium Member
Christy and I are putting together a new tank. The goal is to have something that's suitable for holding corals (including sps) during a quarantine period, and it will probably hold the odd frag from time to time. Since it's not going to be a true display, Christy wanted it to be something that didn't "look" like a fish tank, so we decided to make an enclosed stand that looks like a piece of furniture. Christy imagineered it, and I engineered it. It tucks away nicely in the corner of our office.


Not bad for a sheet of plywood and some 2x4s, eh? The trim details were scrap and leftovers from our kitchen remodel. We bought materials for the doors and feet on Ebay. The rest was just deciding how to put it together and make it look right. :D

Since I know I'll get a million questions, the tank that will go in here is 30x18x16 (~37g), and I have a 29g to use as a sump. I plan to light it with a single 250w MH, and I have an octopus 150 skimmer for the system.

More pics to come once the tank and sump are in place...
Very nicely put together, it blends right in. Classy...

I wish I had a way to make a quarantine, but yea, that should be very nice.