New tank help


New member
Hello, all:

First time here. Have been out of the hobby for some six years now; college is a difficult time to care for fish. Wife and I are in the process of designing our first home. Because we're using a software-based process we must know the exact layout of everything top to bottom inside and out. Before I learned that I would have to make some money in this world to have a family I was actually a Marine Bio major, and as such misses has trusted me to put something beautiful in the house that's "alive, not immediately dangerous, and will amaze us everyday." A big tank begins...

The largest tank I myself have ever kept was a 200 gallon Discus tank. While I have been successful in keeping/breeding saltwater, I have never had a full blow reef. That said, we also want something very unconventional. We have made room for an in wall tank and an attached hidden fish room. The dimensions, although odd, will hopefully be 7 feet tall x 5 feet wide x 4-5 feet deep. I understand this will require special equipment. Has anyone here kept a tank close to these dimensions? Im looking for starting info, if it's possible to do a build, ie fiberglassed plywood and glass front and back? I dont my having it custom made so I probably will opt for that. The basic plan is to just have one towering pinnacle in the center of the tank, and display som corals on a large shelf of live rock at the top near the lights. We want something that when we stand in front of it will just completely immerse us. Any help, much obliged, Im already finding a lot of great info here.
I am a novice, but from the sounds of your tall tank, my guess is that lighting would be very challenging. You might need lighting on the side of the tank.

Sounds interesting though!

the plywood, fiberglass part is easy. The limitations are the glass acrylic you put on the front panel. glass comes in usually 128x48 sheets if that helps

Why 7 feet tall?