New Tank Inhabitants


New member
Picked up a little green spot mandarin last night along with a tiny skunk cleaner shrimp. They seem to be doing well, the mandarin's eating something off the rocks...picking around alot and the shrimp is eating well. Both of my gobies (3 year old watchman and new green stripe) have come out of hiding...think the last addition of the mimic tang freaked them out.

Some new pics...





Thought if I get into montis again, the greenspot will be nice, as I had monti eating nudis before and I've heard that they might eat them. Now I feel more comfortable if I get some more. Would love to get hold of the red, green, and a purple rim again...if anyone has any *tiny* frags... wink wink, nudge nudge ;) !
Yeah, I heard about the flatworms too. I definitely wanted a mandarin, and when I read up about these guys they sounded so much more beneficial than the others. These ones also don't get as big, which is certainly good for my tank too!

I seem to have a good group now...doesn't look like anyone has any problems with anyone else. Think I saw the tang try to intimidate the mandarin, but he was oblivious because he was doing his mandarin hunting thing. The watchman is in the back of the tank where he's been for quite a while and he's wondering what all these guys are doing in his tank...he was all alone pretty much for almost three years now.