New Tank: Need Coral Light and Skimmer Suggestions!!!! 35 Gallon!


New member

New to the reef world. Just set up a 20 x 20 x 20 35 Gallon tank a little over a week ago. Let the tank run for 72 hours before putting 2 black clowns in. Have around 25 lbs of live rock, live sand, and filled it with NutriWater. All water readings have been cleared.

Really having a hard time choosing a light for the tank. Not looking to spend over ~$200 but need it to be programmable and dimmable. I know I'll need around 120 to 160W as well going by the 3.5w/gal for softs and 4.5w/g for hard corals which I do plan having both.

Any suggestions on lights? I've been shopping between the Kissel 160W, VipraSpectra 165W, Euphotica 165W, and the Asta 120.

It was suggested to me that a 165W will be more than enough (Ill have to dim it) and keep softs towards the bottom. (Would a 120W be a better option than a 160-165W?

Really could use some opinions and guidance on what LED lights to consider. Again my criteria are no more than $2-220, programmable, dimmable, and proper for the 20 x 20 x 20 dimensions.

Also, any suggestions on attachable protein skimmers?? I will have a medium to heavy bio load eventually in the tank. Currently using an Eheim 250 Classic Canister filter so no add ins to sump options.

Thanks, I look forward to hearing everyones opinions :)

Attached are photos for reference on what the tank looks like and how the live rock and 2 fish are going. First picture was right after water was added (only pic I have of tank from distance)


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Slightly over your price of 200.00 but it comes in at 230.00 I really like the Aquamaxx 1.5 hang on back skimmer I had a AquaC HOB and I did not care for it finicky and noisy.

As for the figures of wattage per gallon that applies more to T5 or Metal Halide lighting.
Leds that's out the window. Take for instance the AI Prime 199.99 at 45 watts and a par value of 93 it is perfect light for your tank. That being said there is nothing wrong with the other lights you listed and yes you will need to lower the intensity on any of the lights listed.. The only light I have an issue with is the Kessil Kessil uses what they call a dense matrix arrangement for their leds.