new tank pics, 75g mix LPS

Thanks for letting me come by Rogger, your tanks are very beautiful and inspirational. They have to be some of the nicest tanks I have ever seen in person, healthiest fish and coral. Let me know when you catch the GSM. :)

Thanks again,
-Mike C.
Mike, thanks for the kind words, it is always my pleassure to open my house to friends, I already saw the GSM venturing to the entrance of the trap it should be a couple of days until it goes inside, I will pm you.
Rogger , Looks good ,Lps are quickly becoming a favorite since a lot of people are getting tired of sps problems and the Lps look great and have a lot of movement. I know your big tank is awesome, so cant wait to see how this one progresses and maybe I will get by and see it in person again sometime.
Thank you, I actually still like the SPS's very much but I missed the Lps's and I think that they have become more affordable now as well since the sps are dominating the market and popularity.
I have about three large heads of frogspawn coming from a friend of mine, those will be the "last" pieces of corals that will go in this tank.