New Tank Setup Ideas...Your Opinions please......


New member

I just plumbed a 29 gallon tank into my main 225gal display tank in order to house different types of livestock that couldn't be kept in the main tank. I was thinking along the lines of Firefish, Seahorses, mini gobies, or any other of the docile creatures etc. Can you guys give me your opinions on what I should place in there. Keep in mind this tank is plumbed into the display so the water parameters are the same. I grow SPS LPS and a few softies in the big tank so calcium and alkalinity stay around 440/9dkh. It would be able to maintain coral also. What kinds of coral do you think?

P.S. I also have a 25gal cube already set up in my bedroom (not plumbed together obviously). What about an Octopus in either of them??

Please hit me up with your ideas.

Also, does anyone have a light that would be good for this 30" tank? I have a 36" Coralife PC (2) 96W bulbs for sale or trade...
Do you plan to hang out down stairs and view the new tank? If not I would make it a breeding tank for BTA's, Ricordia, or whatever excites you. The octopus would be a cool pet though.