New member
Ok guys and gals. I'm all moved in and settled with the job and house. After work moving me like 6 times since 2017 I'm finally STILL. To give you guys some background I've been in the reefing hobby since 2011. I've had a 29 FOWLR, 55 mixed reef and a 65 gallon mixed reef. When I left my parents house back in 2017 I left my tank empty and behind. Now here comes the hard part. I have a whole empty room to use. I'm just not sure what I want yet. I'm having a hard time deciding... so with that being said here is what I have picked out. 40 Gallon Breeder I like the 40B because it's short, it's wide and it's a decent size of water volume. Next would be 75 gallon. I love this because it's 4 foot, short and wide also drilled. Last would be the 90 gallon also drilled but it's taller. I'm not a fan of tall tanks. The look awkward to me I guess. I know more water is better but I'm wanting some that I will have to worry less about. I will mainly have corals and inverts. Maybe a pair of clowns. I will have two current USA marine LED light and pump system. I don't really like SPS corals.
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