new tank


New member
I ordered a tank in October...had to get a refund in December due to the companys mistakes with my order (GCages, enough said)....ordered another tank in December through exotic...the day has finally come and I will be picking up the tank at the end of the week, just in time for my B-day! Not a bad way to celebrate the Big three 0! Hopefully It makes it in my house ok! I'll post some pics in the near future! How excited were you when you first picked up your tank?
I was super exited, specialy since the pet store that I bought the tank from screwed up the order and to make up for the screw up they delivered to my house for free! That was the best part. :D
new tank


I have 4 tanks at home (cichlids, tetras, discus and angels) but only had my reef tank for about 2 months... everyday I can't wait to get home to look at it / work on it. If I could only afford more.... can't let my kids go hungry though...! :)

All it needs is more corals (only have 4 so far). Hopefully i'll make some frag buddies at the frag swap. Good luck with the new setup!
Congrats on the Tank...
The frag swap is a great place to start getting corals to fill up your tank. Plus there are auctions at the monthly meetings...
You'll find great prices at both.
