New to bio cubes but not s/w question


New member
Ok I stepped away from s/w for a few months after my crash when i went from a 20 to a 180, well anyways I picked up a 29 gallon bio cube as We like more of the coral /invert look anyways.

My question is regarding flow

The bio cube I picked up as a maxi jet 1200 return pump on each side, will that be enough flow in the tank or should I plan on adding a smaller powerhead on on of the sides to get flow going side to side.

Its a 29 gallon bio-cube and along with the 2 maxi jet 1200's I will be running a eshopps Nano skimmer and a sponge.ceramic rings and purgin in the center basket area


I would change out the maxijets on the basis that they're just too intense/direct of flow, as opposed to a prop-based pump like a korallia, jeabo, tunze, or vortech.

You can do the maxijets, but I would look at the alternatives or see if they have the maxijet mods still for sale (the new marineland maxijets come with the mod, a prop and housing, to turn it into a prop pump).

You shouldn't need more than one or two powerheads.

I wouldn't recommend ceramic rings or purigen, just go bare, focus on skimming, flow, and water changes. If you need nutrient export (instead of the purigen and ceramic rings), I would look at adding a refugium in the middle chamber.
The maxi jets are in the back chamber used as return pumps, the hose thats attached go to the top where the little think that stick out the back returns the water.

I wouldn't use that type of pump as a powerhead :)
So you have both pumps plumbed parallel running to the same outlet on the tank (top left) or did you cut another outlet on the right for the second pump?
Where is the second outlet? It would be counter productive to put it right about the overflow intake on the right.

A PH gives a bit more random flow which is better for the tank. I would probably take one of the MJ1200 down and replace with a powerhead. You could go cheap but powerful and get a RW4.
Where is the second outlet? It would be counter productive to put it right about the overflow intake on the right.

A PH gives a bit more random flow which is better for the tank. I would probably take one of the MJ1200 down and replace with a powerhead. You could go cheap but powerful and get a RW4.

Thanks for the heads up, If i open that chamber up should I put he skimmer in that chamber or keep it in the middle chamber next to the media rack?
if the skimmer fits in the first chamber then go there. That is the most stable in terms of water height and will skim out organics and such before your media needs to be used to do so.

Any pics of the current setup? I am curious to see what the previous owner did with the back chambers.
if the skimmer fits in the first chamber then go there. That is the most stable in terms of water height and will skim out organics and such before your media needs to be used to do so.

Any pics of the current setup? I am curious to see what the previous owner did with the back chambers.

Now that I read this , it opened my eyes a little lol

I see what you are saying about putting the skimmer in the right side (looking at it from the frt)

i was looking at it from the back when I made this post LOL

I will snap a few pictures in a few, im going to take the maxijet out of the right side and put the skimmer in there and leave the other maxi jet in the opposite end
Use the spare MJ1200 to mix your salt water with. I have one in my brute container and it makes life easy. I plug in the pump to mix the salt and when it is right I leave it on but turn on my heater to heat the water during the day or overnight.

Or if you ever chose to get a reactor you will already have the pump for it...