***New to Hobby*** (A few questions!)


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Newbie Help

Well, as well as being new to the hobby, I am also new to the forums, so I would like to introduce myself. My name is Luke, but you can call me TheReefJedi, either is fine, and I am 16 years old from Texas. I know 16 years old seems a little young to be taking on a huge responsibility, but I have done lots of research (almost a year now) and I think (hope) I am ready to start my first tank.

So, I have compiled a bunch of research I have found on various forums, articles, LiveAquaria, etc...For my tank I am planning to start this upcoming Summer, and here is what I have come up with:


120 Gallon Reef Tank Setup:

2 Jagar Thermostat Heaters
- Tips on where to put these? (both in sump, both in tank, etc..?)
Coralife Super Needle Wheel Skimmer(in sump/fuge)
Hydor Koralia Evolution Pumps Model 1050 5W
- Have no idea where to place in aquarium
Lights :worried:
- I read Metal Halides or LEDs are the best choice, but I have no clue of which to buy or what brand is the best or proper voltage, I keep running in circles on my research on these from getting mixed answers.
120 Pounds of LiveRock
60 Pounds of Live Sand

Flame Angelfish
Yellow Tang
Blue Hippo Tang
Powder Blue Tang
Copperband Butterflyfish
Ocellaris Clownfish x2
Blue/Green Reef Chromis x3
Barlett's Anthias
Kaudren's Cardinal x2
Firefish x2
Foxface Lo
Lawnmower Blenny

Cerith Snails
Turbo Snails
Nassarius Snails
Nerite Snails
Astrea Star Snails
- Input on these? I got lots of mixed answers.
Fighting Conch Snails
Blue OR Red Leg Hermit Crabs
- Which are better?
Emerald Crab
- I've read they are murderers?
Blue Tuxedo Urchin
Red Skunk Cleaner Shrimp
Red Hawaiian Reef Lobster
Lettuce Nudibranch

***Best invert safe sea star anyone?***

Haitian Anenome

Also, has anyone had any experience with Thorny Oysters?

Toadstool Leather Coral
Birdnest Coral
White Pom Pom Xenia
( I want Bubble Coral but they are mean :\ )

I haven't found many others that are "newb" friendly and attractive, any help?


Are these selections wise?

I am planning on setting up a sump that contains a safe haven for mangroves and my pod farm which I plan to cultivate copepods and amphipods for a steady flow of food for the tank in between feedings. If anyone could provide pictures of their sumps that would be greatly appreciated. :)

Oh and please don't rage on me if I have some mistakes, I came here for some reviews and tips. If I have something completley out of the park or ignorant please just give me some helpful input. I'm just a newb!

Thanks everyone!
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so whats the question young Jedi.......
you did start with the right size tank thou....
as far as the lights....MH will give you a shimmer that LEDs wont....but cost alot more to run....good luck and take it SLOW
Okay, I'll look into the metal halides, that was one of the questions, thanks. The main question is do I have everything ready to start and if they are good selections; like the equipment, fish, etc..
Yellow Tang
Blue Hippo Tang
Powder Blue Tang
You tank is probably too small for the last, iffy for the hippo, and three probably aren't going to work...
For clean up crew numbers, take a look at reefcleaners.org packages. they will give you an idea about numbers, but you won't want to order from them at this time because you want to add slowly.....
Thanks for the input, if I do end up keeping the Yellow Tang and the Hippo will they fight? And thanks for the link, really helped.
just a suggestion jedi,

I would get the yellow tang and not the other tangs. hippo tangs can be very fickle to keep and I wouldnt think your tank size is going to allow both. you can certainly try, but I wouldnt. the yellow is one of the most hardy tangs ive come across and I have kept one for a long time. word of warning, yellows can become aggressive and protective of their territory.

clean up crew: for a 125g i would suggest 60 various species of snails and 60 various species of crabs. I would also have about 4 reef safe stars, I always keep a britle star in my tanks. for a personality touch you can add some "decorative" shrimp, ie a blood red, peppermint shrimp (very good for many reasons)

MH lights will do the job, but heat is an issue, as well as power consumption
LEDs are great, low operating cost, low maintenance, but costly to buy

I have always used T5HO lights, over a 125 I would suggest 8 bulbs, you can do a retro kit in a canopy

hope some of this helps, this is my experience :)
Ok thanks, i'll just stick with the Yellow Tang (he looks the coolest anyways :P), and thanks for the number crunch on the clean up crew. I think i'm going to go with the LEDs, thanks for the input, it really helped out!