New to leds, what settings to use?!


New member
I've recently purchased 2x ai prime hd light units for my ea reef pro 900s 900mm x 500mm x 600mms, I'm planning to set it up as a soft coral tank. The trouble is I'm totally new to it all and I've set up the lights and it looks crazy complicated! Can anyone tell me what settings would be good for some basic soft corals, I can adjust uv, violet, royal, blue, green, deep red and cool white. I can also adjust ramp up time and sunrise/sunset, it all means nothing to me I'm so lost lol ( i was kind of hoping it had some pre programmed set ups :lolspin:) any help would be appreciated as I don't have a clue what I'm doing here!
This are my parameters in a RSM-500 using 3 LED AI HD 26

You will have to try with different settings, be careful those lights can bleach corals.

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Do you have access to a PAR meter? I played with settings for close to a year until I finally (recently) started having good success with my corals. I'll PM you my color channels but I strongly recommend borrowing a PAR meter to find the right intensity to run them at. I've got 4 -52 HD's over a 48L"x 28W" x 24"H tank with them 12" off the water line and get PAR of around 150 on the sand bed, then ~200 to ~400 on the rocks depending on the depth. The PAR is very evenly spread out based on the depth and no hotspots since they are 12" off the water. The colors are great but you have to tinker with the settings at first since they're not plug and play like T5s and MH which I used to run in the past.

Great info but what power level do have them on and for how many hrs to find your sweet spot to get those par readings?