New to this forum/saltwater


New member
Hey, I just wanted to stop by I been doing research on saltwater aquariums now for about a good 3 months now and finally decided to put the gears in motion and start it up. I got a hex tank 55gal i know... i bought on impulse... anyways got a protein skimmer pump and the sump should be up by tomorrow and metal halide lighting 150 watt 10k. I just wanted to say hi and you will probably see alot more of me and I look forward to getting alot of help because I ask alot of questions lol.
ok will do first i got to finish this hw i have I saw the website and I was wondering like this aquarium is like a bonding for me and my dad. So would I have to pay the family membership correct? or just one I am not sure if he has the time or even if I have the time I would really like to but getting ready for law school is a pain. As far as the bulbs go brand new I bought it like last week. All the equipment I got from the previous owner of the tank were really bad and outdated so I ended up buying everything myself ><
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Welcome aboard!!!

It sounds like you are off to a great start>
> Your doing your research first!
> You found RC and this board!
> and you are still brave enough to post!
Seriously you have found a great resource here and we hope you will come to one of the club functions soon. This group has really helped me out a lot since I started.

What are you planning on stocking your new piecce of life with?
Well posting not too hard just getting me an excuse to prolong my homework lol. As far as fish goes live rock or coral? I mean of course everyone wants to do coral. I was planning on fiji live rock maybe some aquacultured live rock from tampa bay for base rock about 70 lbs total. Fish 1 clown fish 1 six line wrasse 1 banggai cardinal 1 yellow tang 1 firefish and i was thinking maybe a lawnmower blenny to shift the sand.
Keep doing your homework on each of your fish choices and take it slooooow!!!! Set up everything like you want it and give it "plenty of time" to cycle before adding any fish.

Best piece of advice you will hear on RC (and you will hear it over and over again is " Take things slow!! Nothing good in this hobby happens fast"

Good luck!!
Welcome aboard. Not sure if a tang would like a hex tank or not. They tend to like to do a lot of swimming.
Yeah I was wondering about the tang because they like to swim and r prone to ich but I have checked up on other forums and asked other people about it and they said I would be fine they said they had 42 hex and it was fine plus the previous owner said he had one but I dunno how well his fish were
I started to think about it and I am not gonna get a tang maybe a flame angel instead keep my fish small only problem is I heard angels r like a hit or miss if they eat the coral
Angels have been known to nip sometimes. I've never had any trouble with my coral beauty. I think the flame angel would be a good choice for you.
I had a Coral Beauty for quite sometime and never had any trouble out of s/he. But I have heard they can be quite brutal to sessil inverts.
I had a pigmy angel once that was perfect for about a month and then it decided that zoas were delicious. In the end, I had to remove all the liverock from a 29g biocube to catch it and that was after he ate 3/4 of a large dragon eye colony.

I personally would love a flame angel but I'm too afraid to try. Just something to consider...
yeah I was thinking that too I am kinda scared to try it out like cuz if that fish eats it I work at Sekisui I can do some sashimi lol jk