New Yuma:)

gemini aquarius(t)

Always Learning
just got this guy today hopefully he does well.

cause u dont work at a LFS for free so they only have corals to pay u in:)
thats why:/ haha

no but really. i hardly ever get stuff so its kinda cool to get a cool item
i almost got a light blue yuma too but we colse so i will have to get it later
I wish I could work at one part time. With my fulltime job and grad school it's hard to have time for anything else though.
Mostly ricordeas, a few discosomas, and a hairy. I'm more into ricordeas than anything.

After finally seeing my new yuma with the lights on, it's actually a pinkish one with a greyish-blue ring around the outside and the mouth. The inside of the mouth has a hint of yellow, which is pretty cool. It looks like this might be the best $15 I've spent on a coral yet.
Not for a while. I put it in the darkest part of my tank with the lowest flow to acclimate it. It'll be a while until I move it out of there and into the light.