New Zoa Colony! Need Identity :confused:


New member
Hello everyone. I just picked up my 2nd zoa colony tonight! sadly my first frag was flipped off the rock and landed upside down on the sand by my emerald crab while i was at work and it never recovered :( Anyway, I would like to know what kind they are. Also I have them towards the bottom of the tank for now to acclimate (running a 2 bulb 24" T5HO over my 20H)


nitrates ~10 ppm
ph 8.2
cal ??
alk ??
mag ??

I use red sea coral pro salt and run a 12 hour lighting cycle. Any advice so I have better luck this time? Thanks!


  • zoa colony.jpg
    zoa colony.jpg
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The reddish ones are eagle eyes the greenish ones are radioactive dragon eyes. As stated for future reference there is a sub forum for id's and I'd suggest testing for alk calcium and magnesium as they're pretty important.
Sorry I missed the sub forum D= wont happen again.

ill keep you guys updated on how they do. im sure ill have some questions before too long lol
oh and im waiting on drsfostersmith to get the red sea reef foundation kit back in stock so i can test those params (ive got a $10 discount code there :thumbsup: )