Hello everyone. I just picked up my 2nd zoa colony tonight! sadly my first frag was flipped off the rock and landed upside down on the sand by my emerald crab while i was at work and it never recovered Anyway, I would like to know what kind they are. Also I have them towards the bottom of the tank for now to acclimate (running a 2 bulb 24" T5HO over my 20H)
nitrates ~10 ppm
ph 8.2
cal ??
alk ??
mag ??
I use red sea coral pro salt and run a 12 hour lighting cycle. Any advice so I have better luck this time? Thanks!
nitrates ~10 ppm
ph 8.2
cal ??
alk ??
mag ??
I use red sea coral pro salt and run a 12 hour lighting cycle. Any advice so I have better luck this time? Thanks!