New Zoas!

Brock Fluharty

New member
I just went to my LFS, and bought some awesome Bubblegum Machine Cracker Zoas, and they are awesome! I will post pictures tomorrow after school.


P.S. They were only $20 for like 15 polyps!
Whatever you do, don't put them next to the Baby Back Armor of God Gorilla Nipples, they are arch!

Nice name Brock :D
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6690857#post6690857 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by ficklefins
Whatever you do, don't put them next to the Baby Back Armor of God Gorilla Nipples, they are arch!
Hehehe. Would those be the LE Baby Back Armor of God Gorilla Nipples?

Trade for some Super_Rainbow_Sunset_Alien_Monster_People_Eater? :)
8th graders are not allowed to have those, so you will have to send them to me. Only adults can have the Bubblegum Machine Cracker Zoas, or the White Bread Cracker zoas.

Let see those pics...:)