New zoo's 3 days in and still not open?


Premium Member
Picked up a "Fiery Grape & Miami Hurricane Colony Polyp Rock Zoanthus" rock with my last Divers Den order. They looked awesome considering two types on one rock. How ever it's been 3 days in, and I only see 2 or 3 polyps open.

Tank is perfect 8.0-8.4 pH, 0 Phosphate, 5ppm Nitrate...
My "Fire and Ice" Zoanthus that was attached to a reef plug is doing great, open, happy and may have even added a polyp.

Should I be concerned?
Given it was Divers Den (Live Aquaria) it set me back $59, and I do have a 14 Day guarantee.

I did use Coral RX Dip (per directions) 20ml/1Gal - 10min. Just wondering if they just couldn't take it?
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It's ok to wait up to a week or more sometimes for the polyps to open.
I would wait and watch them for any signs of bacterial infection.
Just don't move them around too much for now.

I never used Coral RX yet, so I can't tell you if that would harm the polyps somehow.
We'll have to wait and see others to post their experiences on that...


Sorry, no pics... yet.. and I don't have a Divers Den photo. I forgot to pull it before they took it down after the order. The other concern is that the poor thing was SWARMED by my Blue Leg hermits. They seem to be leaving it alone now. But wow.
Well, I believe that if there is no injuries by the crabs they should be open soon.
Just make sure there is no films on them nor algae formation.
Good luck!

My kH is between 8-10 typically.. and I do not test for Iodine ... 3 drops of Lugol's solution once a week seems to keep the shrimp happy.
Fiery Grape & Miami Hurricane Colony Polyp Rock Zoanthus

What it should look like:

What I'm left with after 10 days...

I'm thinking my blue leg hermits decimated it... Since they pretty much swarmed it as soon as it hit the tank. Guess I'll learn to keep things on the frag rack for a week or so before placement. :(
That's a VERY nice colony!!! Are you sure there is no photoshop in the pic?
The red is so vivid!!!! Unbelievable!!!

You don't need to leave the zoas on the rack.
If the hermit crabs are there they will attack it anyways, when you bring it down.
Sometimes shrimps do that too!!

Just remove the crabs and keep an eye on them. There are 2 polyps open already and I think, if you don't move it and if they don't get any infection, that should be ok. The other 2 will open!
Give it a time and keep stable params.
I'm looking forward to see pics in the future when they are fully recovered!!
Good luck!!!

Thanks A.
No I don't think Dr's Foster and Smith / Divers Den would Photoshop coral.... or they'd not be the top retailer on the web for very long. :)
Is that the actual picture of the purchase?
That's a very nice combination of bright red and purple!
Hope they can get over the shock soon!
The 2 closed ones are the reds, correct?
Nice! Keep us posted!

You know i bought some zoas and they never opened up. They have been in the tank for 1month. i have kept many zoas befor and they do fine ,but not this time.
You know i bought some zoas and they never opened up. They have been in the tank for 1month. i have kept many zoas befor and they do fine ,but not this time.

Check for predators or something irritating them at night.
If there is no film on them nor infection all we can do is to wait.
Good luck.


Can they peel, and if so what does that mean? My pic is poor quality, cant see the peeling. Ive only had them 2 days. I double checked the parameters. Salinity .025 ammonia 0. Nitrite 0 nitrate 0. Not sure of calcium. I have tried running only actinic over them and still not opening all the way.