New zoo's 3 days in and still not open?

By what I understand they are adjusting to the light but make sure the light is not too bright, so they don't bleach.

Still hard to understand exactly what you meant ("peel") and to see in that picture.
I don't see any film nor debris in that picture (your first question)...

Only two days... early but make sure about the light adaptation. The adaptation doesn't happen in only one or two days...

Please try to be more specific when explaining your thoughts.

Thank you for the feedback...When I mentioned peeling, I mean, it looks like the outer skin, (or however you call) is flaking or peeling/coming off. Like when a snake sheds his skin, the outer casing. Im not sure how else to describe it. It is difficult to explain without a decent pic so I appologize for that. I found other threads here on the forums that speak of this happening, but it doesnt say why it happens...

By the way, these are my first ever corals.
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Oh yeah, that is normally seen on new wild zoanthus spp.
I had that happening only after a dip on newly acquired species. I believe it's the out layer of their skin or/and with algae. It's like a brownish transparent shed, but you don't need to worry about it.
The individual colonies that do that are normally collected from the wild, as far as I know.
Just keep concentrating on the light issue because if you screw up with the light they will bleach and that's going to be hard to deal with.
If you already dipped the new colony before introducing in the system and it's free of pathogens and predators just keep watching it.
Again, make sure it doesn't get too much light at the beginning...

I am so glad that its normal! So should I just run actinics over them a few hours a day and gradually increase? And so also, how long do they take to fully open?

I have no idea if these are wild but I think we are going back to that LFS tommorow. I can ask.

Thank you!