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I purchased some new zoos from extreme corals...they looked great online, but only ok in my tank. It is a 130 gallon reef with 2 65 watt 10000k Pc's and 2 65 watt 03 Actinic PC's. Do I need MEatl Halide to get a better color?
Your corals will adjust to the difference and change slightly, however, they will probably never be as brillant under your lights as they where under theirs...

PC suck with color...

VHOS / T5 are better, but Halides are the best

good luck to you and yours!
That's not very much light on that big of a tank. More than likely the place you bought them kept them under MH, it probably says what lights they were kept under on the website. I have found some zoos are better up high under bright light while others do well lower in less intense lighting.


The color should come back out without a problem, but it still may be different in your tank. Coral color depends on light and water chemistry. I know that something in my tank will without a doubt look different in anyone elses tank. Chemistry plays as big a role in coral color as lighting does. Thats for most corals anyway. Some zoos never regain their color while others turn a whole different color. I have bought green zoos from LFS and they turned blue in my tank. Same with the ugly ones, sometimes they suprise you, I got BROWN zoos that turned yellow before. The same goes for all SPS corals. An orgeon tort may change to a lighter or a darker shade of blue, or even may turn green! One thing is for sure, its fun watching them change, and its also cool seeing the different colors come out. The ocean is a beautiful place, don't worry they will always get pretty again!



this is what happened to my brown zoos!



Yea 3X250 watt halides would work or you could use your existing light(make them all actinic03) and 2X400watt halides. Depends on depth and preference for most. Don't forget the better quality of light gives you the better quality of color for the most part. I use 2X250 watt halides(XM 20k bulbs) with 2 48 inch VHO actinic03 on my 55gal reef. I used 3 6ft VHO actinic 03s on my 135gal with 2X400watt (XM20k bulbs) as well. Yea go with more light and you will not be disappointed! Once you go halide you won't want anything else! Well thats my opinion anyway. Your softies will love you for it and you will love the tank that much more. Even though most people say that they are usually for the serious SPS grower, softies love them too! They grow more rapidly and they produce colors that can only be replicated one other way, SUNLIGHT! Keep on growing, and enjoy your lights!

So If I kept the 4x65 fixture and made them all actinic and added 2 150watt MH's? Would it be worth it?


How deep is your tank? 150watt bulbs will not penitrate that deep in a tank. I recommend 2X400 watt system, but 2X250 would be suffient for most aquaria no deeper than 18-24 inches. I am using 2X250 plus 2X110VHO on a 55gal. Don't forget more light equals more color. I really don't think the 150s will produce enough light unless its on like a 55gal or smaller.


What do you guys think about this?

250 watt

Advanced Features

Standard SE Mogul Base Type will work with ALL "Probe Start" ballasts commonly used in the US.

WATTS Kelvin Appearance Base Type Ballast Type ANSI Code
175/250/400 6500K Warm Yellowish SE Probe M57/M58/M59
175/250/400 10K Sparkling Ice White SE Probe M57/M58/M59
175/250/400 14K Sparkling Ice Blue SE Probe M57/M58/M59
175/250/400 20K Vibrant Blue SE Probe M57/M58/M59

The Correct Intensity for the Correct Depth Offered in:
ââ"šÂ¬Ã‚¢ 175 Watt for aquariums 18" in depth
ââ"šÂ¬Ã‚¢ 250 Watt for aquariums 30" in depth
ââ"šÂ¬Ã‚¢ 400 Watt for aquariums 48" in depth

A Rainbow of Colors Offered in:
ââ"šÂ¬Ã‚¢ 6500K ââ"šÂ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å“ Warm full spectrum lamp for freshwater plant tanks and shallow water species such as SPS. Very good lamp for growth! Actinic lighting commonly used with this lamp.
ââ"šÂ¬Ã‚¢ 10K ââ"šÂ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å“ Sparkling Ice White lamp, the most popular Kelvin on the market. Actinic lighting commonly used with this lamp.
ââ"šÂ¬Ã‚¢ 14K ââ"šÂ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å“ Sparkling Ice Blue lamp, outstanding blue appearance without the need for supplementing actinic lighting.
ââ"šÂ¬Ã‚¢ 20K ââ"šÂ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å“ Vibrant Blue lamp, specifically designed for deeper water species with a cool appearance. Actinic lighting commonly not used with this lamp.

Quality Tested
All lamps are lab tested to specs and checked on a regular basis to ensure quality performance. And we stand behind it 6 months from the day you purchase the lamp!

Theyââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢re AFFORDABLE!
K-1â„¢ Lamps offer the best VALUE in the industry! Metal Halides have never been this affordable. So change those lamps on time and allow your tank specimens to flourish 365 days a year!

Base Type: Mogul SE
Ballast Type: Probe Start
ANSI Code: 175W = M57, 250W =M58, 400W=M59
Lamp Life: Recommend replacement at 9-12 months

Item Description Price Quantity
250W K-1 Metal Halide Retrofit Kit (10K)
manufactured by JBJ $ 207.99
250W K-1 Metal Halide Retrofit Kit (14K)
manufactured by JBJ $ 207.99
250W K-1 Metal Halide Retrofit Kit (20K)
manufactured by JBJ $ 207.99

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