Newb to photography, tried taking some macro shots


Premium Member
I know nothing about photography other than point and click really but I got a camera and a macro lens. A friend pointed me in the direction of the camera so I took a couple of shots when I got it together. Tell me what you think. Any pointers to make the pics look better are welcome!




I think those suffer from some blurr most probably due to camera motion or fish motion.
Try to use a tripod if you are not doing so.
Also have a look at your shutter speed. On fish shots you should have a shutter speed faster than 1/60 (depending on focal length of your lens).
You can achieve that by using a flash (Bouncing it and better with a diffuser to avoid reflections and harsh shadows)
as well as by shooting at higher ISO.
Which camera and macro lens are you using?
Oh and the lens is a "Tamaron SP Aspherical XR Di 28-75mm 1:2.8 Macro 67"

I have no idea what that means.... sorry for sounding like an idiot!