

New member
Hi, I am new to upstaste reef and I saw on your website that all I have to do to join is introduce myself! My name is Sue. I am new to reefkeeping although I have keep freshwater tanks for almost seven years. I have purchased a complete salt setup from a friend who was moving. It is a 120 gal tank with a 30 gal sump. I also have skimmer, cal reactor, r/o unit, ect. Everything is set up except the cal rea. It did not come with instructions and I am still trying to figure it out. I have set up my tank with about three inches of sand, lots of rock four damsels and a clean up crew. I left it alone for about fro months until it was completely cycled (and then some). I have since added a yellow tang, three common clowns, two engineer gobies(which are driving me crazy), a bubble tip anemone, and a long tip anemone. (love the anemones!) I would love to join your club, and pick all your very smart brains if you would have me!!! Thanks Sue
Welcome to the club!

There is a wealth of knowledge and experience to be mined here. I don't know much about Ca Reactors beyond the theory of how they work, but a lot of people here use them... I'm sure somebody can point you in the right Direction.

Nice to see another woman reefer. Not many of us, but where getting there!


Its great to have another Buffalo person.

As for the calcium reactor, you don't need to use it yet, you could, but it wouldn't be very practical right now. Once you get a bunch of corals which drain your calcium and alkalinity, then setting up the reactor would be a good idea.

IMO It is a good idea to set the reactor up now that way the Cal and Alk will not get drained. In fact you should always make sure your "target" values are set before using the reactor, for it will just maintain them.
Hi There! Welcome! You will love it here! I would have given my tank away a long time ago if it wasn't for this site. Hope to see you around often! :fun4:
yea, it's nice you got some nice stuff with your setup. Everybody's a great help here. There's an educational meet at the end of the month.

Welcome :)
Welcome aboard!!

Nice setup!!!

When looking to stock your tank with corals, visit Aquatech.


Lots of nice stuff!! the 2 gentlmen that work the store are great!! (Jason and Randy)
Welcome to URS sue! Check out that link zanclus posted and make sure to ask any questions you have. What kind of reactor do you have? Sounds like you have a very nice setup! Post some pictures when you get a chance...

Welcome to the club.This is a great place to get advise from alot of people.And alot of them have a real lot of knowelgde.Have fun and if yur around Rochester the dr is having people over tohis office for some demos on digital photos and stuff. Have fun Scott