newbie needs help with nano


New member
Hello everyone! Sorry if this is repetitive, but I am pretty new to RC and haven't found the answers I am looking for. I am just beginning to get into saltwater, and am trying to set up my first tank. I found the nanocube at my LFS, and liked it. However, my brother told me he heard that one of the nanos were prone to cracking...anybody know if there is any truth to this, and/or which one? Also, do I need to add additional lighting or another pump? The 24 gal nano is the one I really want. Any information and tips anyone can help me with will be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much.:rollface:
I would go with the Aquapod 24, the glass is 5mm thick but before you buy any system from your LFS, you should probably check to make sure it's clean and not broken.

As far additional lighting goes, most of these systems are upgradeable, there is a company called that can give you some insight to what to upgrade with.

I would say that the stock pumps that come with these systems generally suck, they are either too weak for the water movement you need in a reef system or the run too hot and create additional heat so i would say you should shop around for powerheads that would help. i use Maxijets as a replacement to the stock return pump because...
1. less wattage use per hour (saves on electrical cost)
2. produces less heat
3. historically a more reliable powerhead

i hope this helps and feel free to ask questions if you have them.
Ya i have an aquapod 12 dx , it came in perfect shape and have no leaks so far ;) . I did upgrade the pump of course, and next most likely will be the lighting. Its been about 3 weeks and its still cycling. I'm giving it plenty of time so it can cycle properly. I have my LR , my test all came back good, so Its a start.. Well good luck and make sure you give it plenty of time to cycle, so you dont "hurt" your livestock. Just a little word of advice :p Well Good luck..... Jill