Newbie tank setup


Active member
I'm a newbie and I want to start getting coral and more fish in my tank. I have a 55 gallon tank with 2 T5 bulbs 10K/actinic and 2 compact florescent 50/50. Wet/dry sump with protein skimmer and UV sterilizer.

Where is a good place to buy coral a a reasonable price? I would like to get something cheap at first to make sure my water chemistry is correct. I live in Hialeah, FL.

Below are some pics of my "empty "tank.


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I would first eliminate the bioballs since in the long run will create problems.

Since this is a new tank I would wait a least 8-10 weeks before adding anything in there.

As far as critters u will be limited only ny your imagination and husbandry, as well as equipment filtration and so forth.

U may want to try some gsp/and shrooms if you are into them to start out.
I would chill out like Manny said and let the tank settle down a bit first. Also everything else he said :p

I would suggest Mushrooms, Green Star Polyps, Xenia, zoanthids, or other soft corals.
Hey Rave, I'd be more than happy to test and show you how to test your water before any lfs has you buying up half the shop. Good thing is I'm real close to you.

Looks like your headed in the right direction. The wiring on your lighting though could use a little re-wiring. :D
Rave, lou's a good neighbor to have and you've come to the right place for advice. Patience is tough, but it can prevent you from overloading your tank right off the bat and having a disastrous and expensive crash. In the long run it'll pay off in a beautiful tank that's healthy and enjoyable. Welcome.
Rave to answer your question, there is really no one magic place to buy cheap corals, there is however some stores that specialize in certain type of corals than others and in occasion every LFS get their share of least expensive pieces, it is just a matter of being in the right place at the right time, you will need to window shop a lot until you find what you like at your price range.
It is also a good idea to establish a relationship with the shop owners and even a better idea to become friends with the guys that actually work with the life stock, with time they may even give you tips on their livestock or even advise you when the next shipment will be arriving.
By far the best way to stock your self is to find local reefers that are willing to sell frags of their corals, there is usually a higher survival rate with this corals and most of the time they are cheaper than the retail stores.
Last, will be to go to the club meetings and bid on the auction livestock, I have gotten some very decent deals there.
Hope this helps, Good luck with your new tank
I definately have to agree with Rogger. I have to say that my best luck with corals was from fellow reefers. Please have patience, I never did nor did I ever learn from the same mistakes till now.
Thanks guys I really appreciate all your help. I didn't know there was such a large community of people interested in salt water tanks in my own back yard.

I have had the tank up since about mid February. I bought one of those test kits for the pet store to test the Nitrate, Nitrite, Ammonium and PH levels. All looks good except for the Nitrate levels. It is not exactly at 0 but close. I think I might have to do my first serious water change.

Do you guys know of anyone selling frags or corals? When and where are those auctions held?

Have you guys ever boughten fish or corals online? If so, how was your experience with that?

Thanks once again guys.
i've got a couple corals in my frag tank that would work for you. zoanthids, mushrooms, ricordia. give me a call. 954 547 9878.

also, one of the best places to get stuff from is other reefers. when people break down tanks or just decide to get rid of stuff is usually the best prices.

I've also got 2 pc light setups...but they're 36". it would help get you more light though.

Hey Raver,


The auctions are normally held at the end of the monthly meetings we have for the club. More info on that can be found at you can find all the registration info etc... there.

As for getting corals it is probably best to get them from local reefers as mentioned above.

I have ordered corals online but not fish. I have had a great success rate using this method and I usually am able to track down hard to find pieces I am looking for.

When you get your water checked out and everything is "in checK" you can swing by my place if you want some frags. I have some fairly easy "beginner" corals for pretty cheap.

Good Luck!!!


Racermike has one of the nicest setups I have seen so far. I just recently picked up a few things from him and they are already doing well. I have to say personally that I would almost rather buy corals from a fellow reefer like mike or macawmagic or Ding2dadong because they are normally taking these pieces from their show tanks to make frags. This means that They would care better for their pieces more than the local LFS. That doesn't mean to stop going to the local stores and supporting them as well. Because they too have some really nice stuff. A lot of stores I have noticed are leaning more towards the hobbyist side of selling frags and better prices. Defanitly check out the FMAS meetings and join.
Welcome! Read, read, read, and when your done, read some more! Any questions you have feel free to post them and all of us can walk you through.

I would get some decent test kits (not sure what brand you have) before I bought corals. Im sure a lot of us can tell you about the mess we went through before we took time to learn the water chemistry requirements first. Good luck!
I agree with smchais. I have bought from RacerMike, Macawmagic and Ding2dadong and had no issues with any of thier corals.
Ditto on good sucess with frags from those 3 reefers mentioned above. but lets not leave out the good LFS's as well. at the end of the day we need them.