

New member
I'm new here and to the hobby. I'm trying to set up a 29 gal. reef for my 12 and 10 yr. old girls. My Aunt gave them a tank and stand, and after buting a skilter, sand, Light and 20 lbs. of live rock, I'm tapped out. They are really exited about it but, I really want to set this up nice for them but I had no idea when I started this venture it would be so costly. After doing some research I have really become hooked on this hobby but I'm on a very Limited budget. If any of you have any ideas how I could get some nice things to start in this tank and save some money please let me know. I understand that all things reef take time and effort which I have, but the $$$$ is something I don't have much of.

Thanks for listening,

Shane Arwood
You are off to the right track here that is for sure but I have one work of advice!!


Read everything here that intrests you, and join the reef club and go to one of the meetings if you can. There are a lot of good people that can sure help you with advise(which is cheap). including mine!!!

Now lets ask you one question! What do yuou have in your tank at this time, and what do you feel like at this point that you would like to have??
Unless I missed it what kind of lights do you have? That also will detemine what you can keep at this point.

Find out what can stay alive in your currrent set up and plan for future up grades. The planning part normally changes a 100 times or more.

The sound bit of advice from above is go slow. Only bad things happen fast in this hobby. I borrowed that quote from someone on the forum. But it is true.

We have a meeting coming up why not stop by and meet everyone.

It sounds like you need a heater and maybe a power head and you will be ready to start hardware wise. Give info on the light you have and that will help decide what corals you can keep.

Come to the meeting Sunday if you can.
I have a 65w power compact and a heater and only have live rock and 2 damsels just to get it cyling first. I'm really wanting more corals than fish espescially with this size tank. Fish wise, my girls want a clown and I want a madarin goby eventually.My wife just wants something really pretty and colorful. Thanks for the advice I can sure use alot of it.

First off I would suggest that you look at the back issues of The Reef Central Magazine and REad all of the Back issues of the column.
Reefkeeping 101

These articles are basic, but very informative. Again slow is the word and really be cautious about buying corals because they are really pretty etc.. untill you really find out what the requirements are. I started much like you and am building very slowly, and I have made my share of mistakes.

Read and study what you want and be very meticulous in how you spend your $$$ if not you can literally kill a bunch of money quickly. In what you were wanting on your wish list the #1 caution I would give you is on your mandarin goby, They are gourgeous, but very very tricky to keep.

Let your tank get stable before you jump into the corals, it can break your heart and your pocketbook!!
I would go ahead and get a clean up crew of assorted snails and hermit crabs. With your lighting you will probably want to keep mushrooms and softies. You could get a pair of clowns, as well as some frogspawn for them to pair up with. Your girls would also love a watchman goby paired up with a pistol shrimp. They are a ball to watch. That should be about it in a 29, as far as fish go. However, as has been mentioned before, patience is the key. You will not be ready to add anything for several weeks yet. And, as you have discovered, this is not a cheap hobby!! Several of us members frag our corals and are willing to sell at a great price. Try to come to the meeting and bring your family. We would love to meet you!!
Shane, welcome.

Good advice above: Research Reef Central, Patience, Lights, Movement.........and WATER!

Water Changes(!), Quality, filtration, skimming, etc. It's all about the Water!

Also, subscribe to's: Saltwater 101

They'll send you a daily blurb for you and your kids to study. Get them involved, so THEY can do your maintenance.

Also, here are some books that are good (must) reads:
The New Marine Aquarium by Michael S. Paletta
Reef Secrets by Nilsen & Fossa
The Nano-Reef Handbook by Brightwell

And reference books:
Marine Fishes by Scott MItchell
Marine Intertebrates by Ronald Shimek

Good luck!
Let me welcome you as well Shane,
I am also new to this hobby and don't even have my tank up and running yet. However, I have learned a ton from these people in the club. When I do bring it online I am sure it will be successful.

Let me add to your reading list. These are the best books that I have learned from so far:

The Reef Aquarium Volume 3 - J. Charles Delbeek and Julian Sprung

Clownfishes - Joyce D. Wilkerson

Good luck,
When you are ready for corals, I have some zoo's I will give you. I like zoo's myself and I think in your tank (lighting) they will do the best. However you may not be ready for a while yet. Go Slow and save your money. Welcome.
Some good advice has been given already. A mandarin in a 29gal is a bad idea. It will either cost a fortune in pods to feed or starve. The tank just isnt big enough. Clown pair is good, goby/pistol pair are neat to watch. Various blennies are good also.
Welcome to the hobby!
One way to save some bucks on some needed items would be to attend the yard sale the reef club is having on the 31st. There is sure to be some nice goodies there at great yard sale prices.
Plus if you cannot make the meeting it would be a great chance to talk to a few members as well.

There is athread here on that so you can get location and times
Welcome from one newbie coral keeper to another. Until I found this group I was seeing what little money I had go up in flames. Now I have one tank that is doing very well with a good variety of corals and has one fish. One tank that I have two clowns in and very little coral but lots of plants. One tank I just stressed to the max by being dumber than dirt and not checking that the filter was indeed plugged back in. Just don't do what I did and you should be ok. lol (oh, my acking wallet) I got in a hurry, bought a bunch of cheap corals online, received my monies worth, meaning half of it turned to mush. The other half has recovered and is actually looking good after stepping back, finding this group, and reading research rather than listening to the salesman at My own fault. Keep yourself happy and not poor. Heed the above advice and cautions. Don't end up like me, hooked on the hobby but no money left to do it right.
wow.......that is alot of advice. don't forget to have fun. And when those problems arise or overflow as in my case or maybe I should say flood, Ask here on RC because we will answer you. And some may even come to your rescue when needed.
Welcome and come Sunday if you can bring the family.
I really want to thank everyone for the comments. I put 2 damsels in my tank on wed. and they are doing great. Can some of you tell me when I may be ready for some zoos? I really like them but I do not want to go to fast and lose anything. Also I want to set up a sump of some sort and need the skimmer and pumps if anyone has any of this at a good price let me know.

You could put zoa in now if all your parameters are at 0. I would prob wait until this coming weekend and test the water just to be safe.