newone81's 120g


Finally...just finished my cycle. Still bare except for the fish. I'll be adding frags soon. Just wanted to share my first big tank with the club.
still putting a fish list together. i know the headaches associated with them but maybe a powder blue or achilles, a yellow tang, dwarf lion, goby, blenny...still kicking around ideas
Nice setup. Be carefull with a lion and a goby / blenny tthey will be lunch...

When I first got my tank cycled, a Lionfish was at the top of my list. I really really wanted one. I never got one after reading up on them. Basically they eat WHATEVER they can fit in their mouth. So the bigger they get, the bigger their meals will be too.
they maybe able to eat what can fit in there mouth but i had clowns living in the same tank as the lion with no problems but then agian the clown were in the tank 1st and the lion was a baby when he was put in the tank. but had did get to the point where he was eating 3 feeder goldfish/day
this is a shot of my mixing station. basically a designated work area in my basement below my tank with my sump/fuge and qt tank as well. In the future id like to wall it off and make it its own seperate room.
thanks, my goal is to have a setup that makes tank maint as painless and quick as possible. That way i can spend more time actually enjoying my tank.